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Safe Drinking Water Act Compliance Assistance

This Web site focuses on EPA's compliance assistance tools supporting the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). It enhances the access to drinking water-related environmental compliance assistance by providing links to documents, tools, information and other related and linked Web sites for compliance with environmental requirements to protect drinking water resources.

About  | Tools and Information |  Information for Concerned Citizens

About the Safe Drinking Water Act

SDWA - Includes a link to the text.

Information on SDWA Compliance Monitoring program, including inspections.

Information on the civil enforcement program for drinking water.

Compliance Report
EPA summarizes and evaluates the annual state reports on public water system violations in the National Public Water Systems Compliance Report.

Tools and Information on How to Comply

Drinking Water Guidance and Policy provides links to guidance and policies for drinking water.

Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program provides details on the UIC program including initiatives and description of the different classes of wells.

Water Security provides resources for water utilities, state and local governments, public health officials, emergency responders and planners, assistance and training providers, environmental professionals, researchers and engineers, and law enforcement, among others to increase the security of the drinking water supply.

Laboratories and Monitoring describers the analytical methods that laboratories use to analyze drinking water samples and how EPA certifies the laboratories.

Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits of Public Water Systems under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) (PDF) (3/1/00) (172 pp, 1020K, About PDF) assist the regulated community in developing programs to evaluate their compliance with SDWA.

Sector Notebooks - A series of profiles containing information on selected major industries, which focus on key indicators that present air, water, and land pollutant release data.

Local Government Environmental Assistance Network (LGEAN) is a "first-stop shop" providing environmental management, planning, funding and regulatory information for local government elected and appointed officials, mangers and staff.

National Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse links to public and private compliance assistance materials. Users may post documents and interact with assistance providers, both within and outside of EPA. The Clearinghouse allows users to search for relevant material on new and existing regulations, pollution prevention opportunities, and voluntary programs that were created by other parts of EPA, other federal agencies, tribes, states and local agencies, industry, and other organizations.

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Information for Concerned Citizens

Safe Drinking Water Hotline - Provides the general public, regulators, medical and water professionals, academia, and media, with information about drinking water and ground water programs authorized under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Local Drinking Water Information - Searchable database about local water quality.

Watershed Information Network - Learn about the watershed in which you live

National Response Center Exit EPA Disclaimer - Report oil or chemical spills.

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