2008 James D. MacConnell Winner - Northwest Career and Technical Academy
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The Council of Educational Facility Planners (CEFPI) is a professional association whose sole mission is improving the places where children learn. CEFPI members - individuals, institutions and corporations - are actively involved in planning, designing, building, equipping and maintaining schools and colleges.

Need to contact staff? Use our Headquarters Contact list.

Upcoming Programs & Events
2/2/09 Victoria Chapter Committee Meeting
2/4/09 Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter Planning Session
South Carolina Chapter Conference
2/12/09 Southwest Region Board Meeting
2/12/09 Utah Chapter Meeting February Focus - Special Education
2/16/09 Rocky Mountain Chapter Committee Meeting
2/18/09 Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter Meeting
2/19/09 Washington Chapter Tour & Dinner Meeting
3/9/09 Victoria Chapter Committee Meeting
3/14/09 Victoria Chapter - Tasmania Seminar
3/16/09 Rocky Mountain Chapter Committee Meeting
3/18/09 Alberta Chapter Spring Conference
3/19/09 Pacific Northwest Region Architectural Exhibit Entry Deadline
3/19/09 Washington Chapter Tour & Dinner Meeting
3/22/09 Midwest Great Lakes Region John N. Shaw Award Entry Deadline
Southeast Region Conference
4/3/09 Washington Chapter Spring School Bus Tour
Southern Region Conference
4/20/09 Victoria Chapter Committee Meeting
Midwest Great Lakes Regional Conference
Event Calendar

High Performance Schools Symposium 2009
Learning Styles in Healthy School Environments
February 6-7, 2009
Tampa, FL

86th Annual World Conference
& Expo

6-Degrees of Connection
September 27-29, 2009
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel
Washington, DC

James D. MacConnell Award

Current News

Stay Actively Involved During Lean Times
Learn About Our Upcoming Initiatives for Your Professional Development!

2009 Dale Scheideman Merit Scholarship Award
Submittals are due February 20

School Building Week
April 27, 2009 - May 1, 2009
Washington, DC
2009 School district juries are in progress. Registration now open for the 2010 School of the Future Design Competition

Continuing Education
Open Enrollment for The Advanced Certificate Program

Headquarters Office
Council of Educational Facility Planners International (CEFPI)

9180 E. Desert Cove, Suite 104, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260, Phone: +1 480.391.0840, Fax: +1 480.391.0940

DC Area Office
1110 N. Glebe Road, Suite 580, Arlington, Virginia 22201, Phone: +1 202.577.6771

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