Utah Earthquakes & Faults

Ground-shaking map for Salt Lake CityGround Shaking

Earthquake Ground Shaking Levels for the Wasatch Front
2003 International Building Code, 0.2 and 1 second spectral response acceleration maps

Ground-shaking map for a magnitude 7.0 earthquake on the Wasatch fault, Salt Lake City, Utah, metropolitan area (pdf) Public Information Series #76

Earthquake ground shaking in Utah (pdf) Public Information Series #29

What are seismic surveys and how much “shaking” do they create? Glad You Asked article, Survey Notes

Utah Earthquakes

Recent Utah Earthquakes, University of Utah Seismograph Stations (outside link)

Photo essay of four Utah earthquakes, 1921-1972 (pdf) Public Information Series #72

Homebuyers guide to earthquake hazards in Utah (pdf) Public Information Series #38

Earthquakes & Utah (pdf) Public Information Series #48
A colorful, easily understandable brochure about where earthquakes occur and how often, what causes them, what some of the biggest have been & how they're measured, what are the hazards, and a bit about the Wasatch fault.

The Wasatch Fault (pdf) Public Information Series #40
Written for the non-geologist and profusely illustrated. What is it, where is it, how to recognize it, building on it, what are earthquakes and how often do they occur, the future of the fault, and where to get more information - these are all included in this informative brochure.

Earthquake hazards and safety in Utah (pdf), Public Information Series #6
Includes graphic of earthquake epicenters in Utah from 1962-1990.

Large Earthquakes on the Wasatch Fault


Wasatch Fault Flyby
Video highlighting the Salt Lake City segment of the Wasatch fault and related geologic features.

Quaternary Fault and Fold Database of the United States (outside link)
Located on USGS website. Contains information on faults and associated folds in the United States that are believed to be sources of M>6 earthquakes during the Quaternary (the past 1,600,000 years). Maps of these geologic structures are linked to detailed descriptions and references.

Earthquake Fault Information & County Fault Maps
General information about what a fault and a surface fault rupture are, and page-size county fault maps (Salt Lake, Utah, Davis, Weber, Cache, Tooele, Washington).

The Wasatch Fault (pdf) Public Information Series #40
Written for the non-geologist and profusely illustrated. What is it, where is it, how to recognize it, building on it, what are earthquakes and how often do they occur, the future of the fault, and where to get more information - these are all included in this informative brochure.

Guidelines for evaluating surface-fault-rupture hazards in Utah (pdf) Miscellaneous Publication 03-6

I am thinking of buying a house at “X” address... is it near a fault?

Wasatch Fault Model; from Public Information Series #6, revised to May, 1990


UGS Earthquake Publications and Maps

Earthquake Web Sites


Dept of Natural Resources Dept of Natural Resources