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Science and Management is a semi-annual publication about interesting and innovative research and management projects being undertaken in parks and networks in the Northeast Region. Its purpose is disseminate ideas and practices regionwide that natural resource staff may find useful in their own work.

Science and Management Winter 2008-2009
(pdf 2.44MB)


Below is a list of articles about research and management practices in parks in the Northeast region. These articles appear in National Park Service publications online and in print, and in other scientific publications.

Click on the blue titles to go to the article.

Unrelenting March of HWA: Managing Hemlock Wooly Adelgid with a Strategic Program in Arbor Age, January/February 2009

Using Dendrochronology to Model Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Effects on Eastern Hemlock Growth and Vulnerability
(Biol Invasions (2009) 11:551–563)

Assessing the Effects of Ungulates ion Natural Resources at Assateague Island National Seashore (Park Science, Summer 2008)

Mine Portals at New River Gorge (Park Science, Summer 2008)

Cultivating Connection: Incorporating Meaningful Citizen Science into Cape Cod National Seashore's Estuarine Research and Monoitring Programs (Park Science, Summer 2008)

Inventory of Mammals at Four National Parks in Pennsylvania (Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 81(1): 14-18, 2007)

Survey of Amphibians and Reptiles at Allegheny Portage National Historic Site and Johnstown Flood National Memorial, Pennsylvania (Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 81(1): 3-7 )

A Little River Fish Is Getting Big Time Attention (Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River, Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area) (The River Reporter 2007)

Acid Rain in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia (USGS Fact Sheet 2007-3057)

Beetles Overcoming Purple Loosestrife Infestations at Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area ( Park Science, Winter 2006-2007 )

Bats Inventoried Across the Northeast Region ( Park Science, Winter 2006-2007)

Regenerating the Historic Forest at Gettysburg National Military Park ( Park Science, Winter 2006-2007)

Effects of Prescribed Fire on Small Mammals at Spotsylvania Court House Battlefield (Park Science, Winter 2006-2007)

Native grasses: Contributors to Historical Landscapes and Grassland-bird Habitat in the Northeast (Park Science, Winter 2006-2007)

Importance of Trap Type for the Detection and Conservation of Small Mammals ( Park Science, Winter 2006-2007)