Ground Water Maps

See below for general information about the types of ground-water maps.

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Ground-water-quality classification maps. Ground-water quality is classified by the Utah Water Quality Board based primarily on the total amount of dissolved solids in the water. The lower the total-dissolved-solids concentration, the higher the water quality. Ground-water-quality classification maps show different classes of water in an underlying aquifer (source of underground water). This information can be used to protect higher quality water through more stringent land-use planning.

Ground-water recharge- and discharge-area maps. These maps show the relative vulnerability of underlying aquifers to surface sources of potential pollution based primarily on the presence or absence of protective fine-grained layers (sediments or rocks) and water levels in wells completed in the aquifer. Primary recharge areas do not have protective fine-grained layers and vertical ground-water movement is downward; these areas are the most vulnerable to pollution from land-surface activities. Discharge areas have protective fine-grained layers and vertical ground-water movement is upward; these areas are least vulnerable to pollution. These maps can be used by land-use planners to help properly site facilities to avoid unintentionally polluting ground water.

Ground-water sensitivity and vulnerability to pesticides maps. Sensitivity is determined by assessing natural factors favorable or unfavorable to the degradation of ground water when pesticides are applied or spilled on the suface. Vulnerability is determined by assessing how ground-water sensitivity is modified by the activities of humans.


Dept of Natural Resources Dept of Natural Resources