The Parents Resource Center provides advice and stories from parents and professionals about drug prevention, intervention and raising healthy teens.
Parents Resource Center
eLearning Tools Parenting Tools Connect
Learn the mystery behind the developing teen brain, and what you can do to help your child avoid trouble.
Find out why it’s dangerous for teen athletes to experiment with performance enhancing substances such as steroids, stimulants and HGH.
Every day, 2500 teenagers
use a prescription drug to
get high for the first time.
The good news is there are steps you can take to protect your kids from Rx abuse.
Powerful tools and practical advice for parents to keep their kids healthy and safe.

Find easy-to-use tools and tips to help you have ongoing conversations with your kids to keep them healthy and drug-free.
Breaking down teen culture, substance abuse, and parenting. Visit Blog

Medicine, My 3 Year Old & Me
By Johanna Bailey
It’s occurred to me lately that my 3-year-old son has developed a somewhat alarmingly unhealthy relationship with cherry-flavored children’s Tylenol.
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What’s the good word? Parents!
by Steve Pasierb
Our latest study on American teens just hit the streets. If you’re an adult with a child in your life you are the news!
read more
Whats New

A new resource for parents who suspect or know their teen is drinking or using drugs.
A new full-page ad from the Partnership offers simple, direct tips for parents.

National Sponsors: Scientific Partner:

The Daniels Fund
The Cebrin Goodman Center
Bodman Foundation
Abbott Laboratories

National Supporters:
Endo Pharmaceuticals
Cephalon Inc.
Purdue Pharma, L.P.

Scientific support for the Parent Resource Center is provided by the Treatment Research Institute (TRI), one of the only translational research Centers in the field of addiction that dedicates itself to extending the impact of science through products, services and policies. TRI’s work with the Partnership to help parents protect children from drugs and alcohol is only one manifestation of that mission.


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