[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 46, Volume 9]
[Revised as of October 1, 2006]

[CITE: 46CFR540.1]

[Page 239-240]
                           TITLE 46--SHIPPING
 Subpart A_Proof of Financial Responsibility, Bonding and Certification 
   of Financial Responsibility for Indemnification of Passengers for 
                    Nonperformance of Transportation
Sec.  540.1  Scope.

 Subpart A_Proof of Financial Responsibility, Bonding and Certification 
   of Financial Responsibility for Indemnification of Passengers for 
                    Nonperformance of Transportation

540.1 Scope.
540.2 Definitions.
540.3 Proof of financial responsibility, when required.
540.4 Procedure for establishing financial responsibility.
540.5 Insurance, guaranties, and escrow accounts.
540.6 Surety bonds.
540.7 Evidence of financial responsibility.
540.8 Denial, revocation, suspension, or modification.
540.9 Miscellaneous.

Form FMC-131 to Subpart A
Form FMC-132A to Subpart A
Form FMC-133A to Subpart A
Appendix A to Subpart A--Example of Escrow Agreement for Use Under 46 
          CFR 540.5(b)

 Subpart B_Proof of Financial Responsibility, Bonding and Certification 
  of Financial Responsibility To Meet Liability Incurred for Death or 
            Injury to Passengers or Other Persons on Voyages

540.20 Scope.
540.21 Definitions.
540.22 Proof of financial responsibility, when required.
540.23 Procedure for establishing financial responsibility.
540.24 Insurance, surety bonds, self-insurance, guaranties, and escrow 
540.25 Evidence of financial responsibility.
540.26 Denial, revocation, suspension, or modification.
540.27 Miscellaneous.

[[Page 240]]

Form FMC-132B to Subpart B
Form FMC-133B to Subpart B

                            Subpart C_General

540.91 OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction 

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552, 553; 31 U.S.C. 9701; secs. 2 and 3, Pub. L. 
89-777, 80 Stat. 1356-1358, 46 U.S.C. app. 817e, 817d; 46 U.S.C. 1716.

    Source: 49 FR 36313, Sept. 14, 1984, unless otherwise noted.

    (a) The regulations contained in this subpart set forth the 
procedures whereby persons in the United States who arrange, offer, 
advertise or provide passage on a vessel having berth or stateroom 
accommodations for 50 or more passengers and embarking passengers at 
U.S. ports shall establish their financial responsibility or, in lieu 
thereof, file a bond or other security for obligations under the terms 
of ticket contracts to indemnify passengers for nonperformance of 
transportation to which they would be entitled. Included also are the 
qualifications required by the Commission for issuance of a Certificate 
(Performance) and the basis for the denial, revocation, modification, or 
suspension of such Certificates.
    (b) Failure to comply with this part may result in denial of an 
application for a certificate. Vessels operating without the proper 
certificate may be denied clearance and their owners may also be subject 
to a civil penalty of not more than $5,000 in addition to a civil 
penalty of $200 for each passage sold, such penalties to be assessed by 
the Federal Maritime Commission (46 U.S.C. app. 91, 817d and 817e).