[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 46, Volume 9]
[Revised as of October 1, 2006]

[CITE: 46CFR502.2]

[Page 22-23]
                           TITLE 46--SHIPPING
                      Subpart A_General Information
Sec.  502.2  Filing of documents; hours; mailing address.

    (a) For purposes of filing of documents with the Commission, the 
hours of the Commission are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to 
Friday, inclusive.
    (b) Except for exhibits filed pursuant to Sec.  502.118(b)(4) and 
petitions for review of final agency orders served on the Commission 
pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 2112(a), all documents required to be filed in, 
and correspondence relating to proceedings governed by this part should 
be addressed to Secretary, Federal Maritime Commission, Washington, DC 
20573-0001. Petitions for review of final agency orders served on the 
Commission pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 2112(a) shall be addressed to General 
Counsel, Office of the General Counsel, Federal Maritime Commission, 
Washington, DC 20573-0001.
    (c) Documents relating to any matter pending before the 
Commissioners for decision or to any matter pending before the 
Commission which is likely to

[[Page 23]]

come before the Commissioners for decision, whether or not relating to 
proceedings governed by this part, shall similarly be filed with the 
Secretary, Federal Maritime Commission. Such documents should not be 
filed with or separately submitted to the offices of individual 
Commissioners. Distribution to Commissioners and other agency personnel 
is handled by the Office of the Secretary, to ensure that persons in 
decision-making and advisory positions receive in a uniform and 
impersonal manner identical copies of submissions, and to avoid the 
possibility of ex parte communications within the meaning of Sec.  
502.11. These considerations apply to informal and oral communications 
as well, such as requests for expedited consideration.
    (d) No filings relating to matters scheduled for a Commission 
meeting will be accepted by the Secretary if submitted subsequent to 
public announcement of the particular meeting, except that the 
Commission, on its own initiative, or pursuant to a written request, may 
in its discretion, permit a departure from this limitation for 
exceptional circumstances. (See Sec.  503.82(e) of this chapter.)
    (e) Any pleading, document, writing or other paper submitted for 
filing which is rejected because it does not conform to the rules in 
this part shall be returned to the sender. [Rule 2.]

[52 FR 27002, July 17, 1987, as amended at 53 FR 13270, Apr. 22, 1988; 
64 FR 7807, Feb. 17, 1999]