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DMVA-Meet the Director
DMVA-Brigadier General Carol FausoneBrigadier General Carol Ann Fausone

"The Department of Veterans Affairs endeavors to provide the best care and service to Michigan veterans." Brig. Gen. Fausone

State Healthcare

• Grand Rapids
Veterans Nursing Home

• Marquette
Veterans Nursing Home

• State Veterans Homes Board of Managers
Responsibilities and current members of the board that oversees the state's two homes for veterans.

Financial Assistance

• Tuition Grant Procedure Brief
Financial assistance for the children of veterans.

• Emergency Grants
Temporary assistance for emergencies and hardships.

• Michigan National Guard Family Support Funds
Provides for up to a $500 grant to soldiers and airmen and their family members.

Federal Benefits

• 2008 Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents PDF icon

• Veterans Benefits Timetable PDF icon

• Compensation and Benefits Handbook for Seriously Ill and Injured Members of the Armed Forces PDF icon

• State Service Officers

• Survivor Benefits

• Burial and Memorial Benefits Fact Sheet PDF icon

• US Dept. of Veterans Affairs Burial & Memorial Information

• Education/GI Bill

• Home Loans

• Health Care

• Locations of VA facilities.

• Veterans Employment and Training

More State Benefits

• Application for High School Diploma for Michigan WWII and Korean Veterans PDF icon

• 2008 MICHIGAN 1040CR-2 Homestead Property Tax Credit Claim for Veterans and Blind People - INSTRUCTIONS PDF icon

• 2008 Michigan Homestead Property Tax Credit Claim for Veterans and Blind People MI-1040CR-2 FORM PDF icon

• Michigan Veterans Benefits & Services, Federal, State, and Local Programs PDF icon

• Veterans Laws PDF icon

• Employment Opportunities

• Automobile License Plates

Discharges & Awards

• Requesting a Replacement of Certificate of Discharge

• Replacement of Discharge/Awards

• National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

History & Statistics

• Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom Casualties PDF icon

• Vietnam Memorial

• Sons of the American Revolution

• US Census Bureau, Veterans 2000 PDF icon

• Estimated and Projected State Veterans Population PDF icon

Application for Veterans Home Membership

• Application for DJHV PDF icon

• Application for GRHV PDF icon

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Quick Links
 •  Request Pertaining to Military Records PDF icon
 •  D.J. Home for Veterans Marquette Michigan
 •  Grand Rapids Home for Veterans Info
 •  Contracting Information
 •  Support Our Troops
Application for Veterans Home Membership
 •  Application for DJHV PDF icon
 •  Application for GRHV PDF icon Home | DMVA Home Site | FAQ | DMVA Jobs | Contact DMVA
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