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Analytical Chemistry

Photo - Laboratory preparation of radium samples and counters The NAREL radioanalytical program, which analyzes upwards of 10,000 samples annually, constitutes EPA's primary laboratory support for analyzing radiation. Typical samples include air, water, soil, vegetation, human tissue, and food and are analyzed for a number of radionuclides and/or hazardous materials.Photo of alpha/beta systems used for radiological analysis NAREL chemists continuously refine and update their analytical methods to respond to emerging environmental problems, such as the disposal of waste products contaminated with both radioactivity and toxic chemicals (mixed waste). Strict quality assurance standards are applied to all laboratory analyses, and NAREL routinely participates in intercomparison programs.


Inventory of Radiological Methodologies <PDF> - For Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Materials

National Air & Radiation Environmental Laboratory
540 South Morris Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36115-2601
(334) 270-3400 Voice, (334) 270-3454 Fax

Please direct your Website questions or comments to contact_NAREL@epa.gov.

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