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Interagency Programs

Dredging for sediment samples during the Harbor Survey The quality of NAREL staff and facilities is well recognized by States and other Federal agencies. The laboratory has performed radiological surveys for the U.S. Navy and conducted indoor radon survey programs nationally for agencies such as the National Park ServiceExit EPA, the U.S. Forestry ServiceExit EPA, and the General Service AdministrationExit EPA. Through a cooperative agreement NAREL has helped the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry monitor radiation levels near major federal facilities. States rely on the NAREL for training, instrument calibration, and radiochemical analysis. Cooperative efforts between EPA and other Federal and State agencies is a hallmark of NAREL programs.

National Air & Radiation Environmental Laboratory
540 South Morris Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36115-2601
(334) 270-3400 Voice, (334) 270-3454 Fax

Please direct your Website questions or comments to contact_NAREL@epa.gov.

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