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OASAM Unified Agenda - [Completed Actions]

December 11, 2006

2122. Grants and Agreements

Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 105-277

CFR Citation: 29 CFR 95

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This regulation amends 29 CFR 95.36, to ensure that all data produced under an award will be available to the public through the procedures established in the Freedom of Information Act. Public Law 105-277, mandated this change. The regulation was published as ``interim final'' on May 16, 2000, and is in effect. This is a regulation developed and published as a common rule (Governmentwide). Since its publication, the lead agency (HHS) has not approached other Federal agencies to finalize the regulation. In light of the uncertainty of when steps will be taken to finalize the rule, the Department is removing this item from the Agenda until such time as the lead agency signals its intention to proceed with the common rule.


Action Date FR Cite
Interim Final Rule 03/16/00 65 FR 14405 Interim Final Rule Effective 04/17/00 Interim Final Rule Comment Period End 05/15/00 Withdrawn 07/11/06

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Daniel P. Murphy, Management Services, Department of Labor, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Room S-1513(B) FP Building, Washington, DC 20210
Phone: 202 693-7283
Fax: 202 693-7290

RIN: 1291-AA30


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