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EPA comment letters on draft Environmental Impact Statements are organized on agency-specific pages, listed on the left side.

City of Lathrop Well, Water Well for emergency use - Finding of No Significant Impact

Role of EPA's Pacific
Southwest Office

The Environmental Review Office reviews NEPA documents for projects in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the Pacific Islands. These include proposed airports, mines, military complexes, energy facilities, and highway improvements. The office also coordinates with other federal agencies, such as the Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and project sponsors, to maximize positive environmental outcomes in the planning and development of projects requiring federal action, approval, or permitting.

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), one of the first environmental laws ever written, requires federal agencies to consider the environmental impacts of proposed federal projects which could significantly affect the environment. In EPA's Pacific Southwest region, these projects have included proposed airports, mines, buildings, military complexes, energy facilities, railroads and highways.

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Border 2012, the video Tools that help agencies achieve positive environmental outcomes
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EPA's Environmental Review Office has the following responsibilities:

Environmental Impact Statements

Federal agencies must thoroughly assess the likelihood of environmental impacts from proposed projects and document these findings in an Environmental Impact Statement. What is an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)?

Improve Environmental Outcomes

EPA's comments on proposed federal projects contribute to increased benefits to the environment. For example, through EPA’s review of the Folsom Dam Safety and Flood Damage Reduction Project, the Bureau of Reclamation and the Corps of Engineers committed to a variety of environmentally friendly practices. These include use of the cleanest available on-road vehicles, the most recent pollution control equipment for all off-road construction equipment, and electrical power rather than diesel for all stationary equipment. The agencies also agreed to reduce haulage miles and minimize the overlap of activities that produce pollutant emissions. These commitments will significantly reduce emissions of air pollutants from the project, reducing impacts to communities surrounding the Folsom Reservoir.

Environmental Impact Statements:Image

EIS documents must analyze a wide range of topics, such as water quality, wetlands, endangered species, transportation impacts, noise impacts, cultural resources and visual effects.

EIS documents must include a rigorous evaluation of all feasible alternatives to the proposed project, including the option to take no action. The public has the right to comment on proposed EIS documents before federal decisions are made.

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