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Environmental Enforcement Accomplishments in EPA's Pacific Southwest Region

Enforcements Accomplishments 2004 Quick Finder
Photo of Monument Valley desert, at sunset
Enforcement News Releases
by State

Pacific Islands

Year in Review: Fiscal Year 2004

EPA’s enforcement results in the Pacific Southwest for Fiscal Year 2004 continued an upward trend over the past three years to rise to the highest number ever. Increased enforcement actions throughout the region addressed a wide range of serious environmental problems--numerous air, water, hazardous waste, community right to know and pesticide violations.

In fiscal year 2004, EPA’s Pacific Southwest Region Office pursued 622 civil enforcement actions, up from 344 in 2003. Nearly $8 million were paid in penalties and over $100 million in injunctive relief to correct violations, restore the environment and prevent additional damage.

Inspections, another priority, also continued to rise increasing to 1,120 in 2004. “Supplemental Environmental Projects” which benefit communities nearly doubled in value to $1.5 million.

EPA’s Criminal Investigation Division (CID) further enhanced enforcement efforts with its federal, state and local law partners in combatting environmental criminal activity. The criminal enforcement program, working closely with the region to maximize resources, investigated a number of serious environmental crimes which were successfully prosecuted. In Hawaii, EPA’s CID worked with the state in its new enforcement office to build criminal enforcement capacity in Hawaii. In southern California, CID formed a task force with the Los Angeles County and Orange County Sheriffs’ Offices, the Culver City Police Department and the L.A. Port Police Department resulting in 80 reserve police officers supplementing EPA’s criminal enforcement activities.

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