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Earth Day logo, Region 9

EPA National Earth Day Activities

Choose 5 Ways
to Help the Environment
Pick five for the environment
News Release
Earth Day Podcasts

"Green Tips" Podcasts

- Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

- Clean Beaches

- WaterSense

much more...

Public Service Announcements

Mercury PSA
Windows Media Player, 30 sec.

All Public Service Announcements

Earth Day Resources

EPA's Earth Day Web Site offers you many tips and fun ways to protect the environment and your health every day.

Earth911: Make Everyday Earth Day

Earth Day "Take-Home Kit" learn how you and your family can protect the environment every day in lots of ways

Earth Day Events Finder

Earth Day .gov

EPA Honors Environmental Heroes
Thumbnail image of Earth Day award

At Region 9's annual Environmental Awards Ceremony, organizations and individuals will be honored for their efforts to protect and preserve the environment. Environmental Awards Web site

The History of Earth Day

On April 22, 1970, 20 million people across America celebrated the first Earth Day. It was a time when cities were buried under their own smog and polluted rivers caught fire. Now Earth Day is celebrated annually around the globe. Through the combined efforts of the U.S. government, grassroots organizations, and citizens like you, what started as a day of national environmental recognition has evolved into a world-wide campaign to protect our global environment. Learn about the history of Earth Day.

Events in the Pacific Southwest

Events by Region 9 State, on this page:

Earth Day is a time to celebrate gains we have made and unite around new actions. Many organizations in the Pacific Southwest are sponsoring Earth Day events this month — some of them are listed below. The Earth Day EnviroLink Network site is also an excellent resource.

The Earth Day events Web sites listed on this page are external to epa.gov Exiting EPA (disclaimer). EPA does not necessarily endorse or promote these events, they are listed here for informational purposes only.


Annual Tucson Children’s Earth Day Festival and Parade

Earth Day Events in Arizona

City of Flagstaff Celebration


Zero Waste California

San Francisco/Bay Area

California State Parks Foundation
Earth Day Events

Earth Stroll - Crissy Field Center
An Earth Day Celebration for a Healthy Planet, Healthy You

International Environmental Film Festival
Presented by Oakland Museum of California

Academy of Sciences
Special celebration

Oakland’s Earth Expo
The Sustainable Urban Environment

Oakland Earth Day
Clean It - Green It - Mean It

Fort Bragg Earth Day
Cool Blue Planet

Sacramento Earth Day
Be The Solution

More Events (KQED)

Los Angeles

Aquarium of the Pacific: Earth Day (Long Beach)

Earth Day in Los Angeles

Encino, CA

San Diego

University of California at San Diego (UCSD)

San Diego EarthWorks


Reno Earth Day

Tahoe Truckee Earth Day Fest


Annual Earth Day Fair Hawaii Community College

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