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Change a Light, Change the World
October 3, 2007

What is "Change a Light" all about?

Every light bulb or fixture you change to Energy Star will:

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Take the Change a Light Pledge!
Join thousands of others who pledged to change a light and help protect our environment.

On Wednesday, October 3, 2007, EPA and DOE celebrate the ENERGY STAR Change a Light, Change the World Campaign with a 20-day national bus tour to inspire individuals coast-to-coast to save energy and join the fight against global warming.

EPA Administrator Steve Johnson and EPA Regional Administrator Wayne Nastri are encouraging individuals to take the Energy Star Change a Light Pledge by committing to being more energy-efficient by switching at least one light in their home to one that has earned the government’s ENERGY STAR label.

On October 4th, Region 9 staff will participate in the second stop of the Energy Star Change a Light Bus Tour at an environmental event hosted by Pacific Gas & Electric in San Francisco. The bus contains a fun and interactive Educational Center designed to educate the public about the importance of choosing Energy Star qualified lighting as the first step towards energy efficiency.

Light Bulbs distributed in Phoenix, AZ

When it comes to saving money and energy, one of the easiest ways to make a difference is to change a light bulb. The Arizona Public Service Company (APS) is once again urging area residents to do just that at an event on October 3rd.

The utility is partnering with the EPA, the City of Phoenix, and the Central Arizona Shelter Services to kick off the Change a Light campaign at Steel Commons, an apartment complex of transitional housing for ex-homeless in Phoenix, AZ.

APS donated over 900 bulbs to the residents of the complex. By using CFLs in their homes, residents can see the lighting portion of their bill reduced by up to 50 to 75 percent or by $30 a year in energy costs.

energy efficient light bulb sThe utility is also partnering with the EPA, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Arizona Energy Office and the Housing Authority of Maricopa County to kick off the campaign at a Paradise Homes, a complex in Surprise, AZ that provides subsidized housing for the elderly and disabled.

In a morning visit to Paradise Homes, volunteers will replace about 330 standard light bulbs throughout the complex’s 24 units with energy-efficient, compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. The simple change could potentially save the residents more than $1,400 a year in energy costs, while improving the comfort of their homes by reducing heat generated by traditional bulbs.

News release of the event, including video, photos, and audio podcast.

For More Information

Lisa Tharp
(415) 947-4142

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