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Direct Final Ruling Approving Arizona Summertime Gasoline Volatility Limit for the Phoenix Area

Cobweb image Note: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Although the information provided here was accurate and current when first created, it is now outdated.

On May 28, 1997, EPA signed a direct final rule approving the State's request to establish a summertime gasoline Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) limit of 7.0 pounds per square inch (psi) distributed in the Maricopa County (Phoenix) metropolitan area.

Arizona has lowered the summertime RVP limit for this area to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Arizona's fuel requirement is not preempted by federal fuels requirements because EPA is finding that the control measure is necessary for the Maricopa area to attain the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for ozone and is approving the measure into the State Implementation Plan.

A PDF document containing a copy of the signed notice can be downloaded below. The notice is expected to be published in the Federal Register by June 12, 1997. Please note that because formatting and editing changes may occur to the notice when published, the Federal Register version is the official version. The Federal Register can be searched in electronic form at Federal Register Online*.

The direct final rule will be effective on 60 days from date of publication in the Federal Register, unless EPA receives adverse or critical comments by 30 days after publication in the Federal Register. For further information on EPA's action, please contact Roxanne Johnson at (415) 744-1225 or johnson.roxanne@epamail.epa.gov. Hard copies of the action and the docket are located at:

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