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Water State Revolving Funds


Region 9 Sustainable Water Infrastructure Web Site

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On February 17th, President Barack Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 into law. This act is the first crucial step in a concerted effort to create and save millions of jobs, jumpstart our economy, and begin the process of transforming it for the 21st century with $288 billion in economic recovery tax relief and $499 billion in thoughtful and carefully targeted priority investments with unprecedented accountability measures built in.

For more information on the Recovery Act, visit the Recovery.Gov Website. Exiting EPA (disclaimer)

Read the full law here. Exiting EPA (disclaimer)

Water Infrastructure

share your recovery story

Water infrastructure funding under the current legislation will be implemented through the Clean Water Act State Revolving Loan Fund and the Safe Drinking Water Act State Revolving Loan Fund. Please review the information below to learn more about these programs and the proposed levels of funding under the House and Senate legislation for drinking water and wastewater projects.

If you represent a utility or municipality interested in stimulus funding, contact your appropriate State Revolving Fund Program office to discuss eligibility requirements for your applicable water or wastewater construction projects.
American Reinvestment and Recovery Act 2009: New Funding for Water and Wastewater Infrastructure
Deadline to submit your Clean Water (CWSRF) & Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) projects to the State funding agencies:

AZ Clean Water & Drinking Water State Revolving Fund  Exiting EPA (disclaimer)

March 6, 2009

California Drinking Water State Revolving Fund  Exiting EPA (disclaimer)

February 27, 2009

California Clean Water State Revolving Fund


Hawaii Clean Water & Drinking Water State Revolving Fund


Nevada Clean Water & Drinking Water State Revolving Fund


*Submit application to State for consideration under bypass procedures and future funding.


Funding Mechanisms

Clean Water Act (CWA)
State Revolving Loan Fund
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
State Revolving Loan Fund
The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) is a loan program which provides low-cost financing to eligible entities within the state and tribal lands for water quality projects including all types of nonpoint source, watershed protection or restoration, and estuary management projects, as well as more traditional municipal wastewater treatment projects.  The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) is a loan program which provides low-cost financing to eligible entities within the state and tribal lands for public and private water systems infrastructure projects needed to achieve or to maintain compliance with SDWA requirements and to protect public health. Small water systems and disadvantage communities are given higher funding priority

Under the CWSRF & DWSRF programs, EPA Region 9 provides grants or seed money for loan programs to the states of Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada to capitalize individual state SRF programs. Tribes are eligible for funding under these programs. The programs are managed by the states, and loans or other types of assistance for drinking water and water quality projects are distributed according to each states program and priorities.

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Estimated FY-09 Funding Levels

Clean Water State Revolving Fund Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
FY-09 Annual
(Based on FY-08 $)
Recovery Funding (ARRA)
FY-09 Annual Appropriation
(Based on FY-08 $)
Recovery Funding (ARRA)
Total By Appropriation

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EPA Region 9 CWSRF and DWSRF Contact Information

CWSRF Contact Information DWSRF Contact Information
Juanita Licata (licata.juanita@epa.gov)
CWSRF Program Manager
EPA Reg 9 Water Infrastructure Office (WTR-4)
75 Hawthorne St., San Francisco, CA 94105
Clean Water State Revolving Fund
José T. Caratini (caratini.jose@epa.gov )
DWSRF Program Manager
EPA Reg 9 Water Infrastructure Office (WTR-4)
75 Hawthorne St., San Francisco, CA 94105
Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water Web Resources

Judy Navarrete (jnavarrete@azwifa.gov)
Executive Director
Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona Exiting EPA (disclaimer)
1110 West Washington, Suite 290,
Phoenix. Arizona 85007


Judy Navarrete (jnavarrete@azwifa.gov)
Executive Director
Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona Exiting EPA (disclaimer)
1110 West Washington, Suite 290,
Phoenix. Arizona 85007


Christopher Stevens (cstevens@waterboards.ca.gov )
State Water Resources Control Board Exiting EPA (disclaimer)
1001 - I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814


Steve Woods (Steve.Woods@cdph.ca.gov )
Department of Public Health
1616 Capitol Ave, MS 7418, Sacramento, CA 94234
Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Exiting EPA (disclaimer)


Tom See (tomas.see@doh.hawaii.gov)
Manager Wastewater Branch
Environmental Management Division
Hawaii State Department of Health
919 Ala Moana Blvd., Room 309
Honolulu, HI 96814-4920
Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program Exiting EPA (disclaimer)


Stuart Yamada (stuart.yamada@doh.hawaii.gov)
Manager Drinking Water Branch
Environmental Management Division
Hawaii State Department of Health
919 Ala Moana Blvd., Room 309
Honolulu, HI 96814-4920
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Exiting EPA (disclaimer)


Adele Basham (Abasham@ndep.nv.gov)
Program Manager
Office of Financial Assistance Exiting EPA (disclaimer)
Division of Environmental Protection
901 S. Stewart St., Suite 4001
Carson City, NV 89701-5249


Adele Basham (Abasham@ndep.nv.gov)
Program Manager
Office of Financial Assistance Exiting EPA (disclaimer)
Division of Environmental Protection
901 S. Stewart St., Suite 4001
Carson City, NV 89701-5249

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Tribal Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Information

stimulus funding

Review our Stimulus Funding for Tribal Water Infrastructure (PDF) (12 pp, 182K) presentation to learn more about these opportunities.

letter to tribal leaders

EPA Letter to Tribal Leaders (PDF) (2 pp, 168K)

ATTN: New project
information submission
deadline: 2/16/2009!

Tribal Wastewater Infrastructure Projects

Loretta Vanegas (vanegas.loretta@epa.gov)
75 Hawthorne Street, WTR-10
San Francisco, CA 94105-3901
Phone: 415-972-3433
Fax: 415-947-3537

Tribal Drinking Water Infrastructure Projects

Linda Reeves (reeves.linda@epa.gov)
75 Hawthorne Street, WTR-6
Sa Francisco, CA 94105-3901
Phone: 415-972-3445
Fax: 415-947-3549

Access the Indian Health Service Sanitation Deficiencies List Exiting EPA (disclaimer)

  • Select an IHS Area from the map on the upper-right hand side.
  • At the bottom of the log-in screen, select "Public Access."

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