============= Page 1 of 1 ============= ay e, 0 August 21, 2001 Kenneth L. Lay Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Enron Corp. P.O. Box 1188 Houston, TX 77251-1188 713-853-6773 Fax 713-853-5313 ken net h. tayŠen ron. com By facsimile to: 713/853-2366 Julie Haviland First Union Securities Emery Financial Group 909 Fannin Street, #2100 Houston, TX 77010 RE: Sale of 110,706 shares of Enron Corp. to Company for Repayment of $4,000,000 LOC plus accrued interest through August 20, 2001 Dear Julie: This letter is your authority to transfer 72,801 shares of Enron Corp. stock from the restricted stock option award, Grant #122050, whose restriction lapsed on 1 /11 /01, and 37,905 shares of Enron Corp stock from the restricted stock option award, Grant #113546, whose restriction lapsed on 1/31/01, totaling 110,706 shares which are in the First Union Securities Account #5036-1960 to the Enron Corp. Omnibus Paine Webber Account #HS-54630-EN as soon as possible. Please call Sherrie Gibson at 713/630-0103 should you have any questions. Sincerely, CC: ' Elaine Overturf 617 S1 Pam Butler Joanne Cortez 7-Sherrie Gibson EC38648B0050173 t Endless possibilities.'"' EXH063-00314 GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 4096 Crim. No. H-04-25 (S-2)