============= Page 1 of 22 ============= Please destroy when no longer used Confidential M C) C7 Q CC W A Enron Corp. 2nd Quarter 2001 Financial Review July 24, 2001 :XH012-00294 ============= Page 2 of 22 ============= Pin C, O 4= .J fa .js W too *4, ENRL EARNINGS RELEASE - EX i ERNAL FORMAT (Mitbrs of Donors. except as noted) Transmission & Distribution Enron Transportation Services Portland General Total Transmission & Distribution Wholesale Energy Operations & Services Americas Europe CATS/Margaux Global Markets Industrial Markets Net Works EEOS Global Assets Retail Risk Management Other Wholesale Subtotal Global Finance Global E&P Prepays Other Total Wholesale Energy Ops. & Services Enron Energy Services Enron Broadband Services Corporate and Other Azurix Enron Renewable Energy Corp Clean Fuels Enron Investment Partners Corporate & Other Expenses Structured Transactions Reciass /rondlo Wholesale Total Corporate & Other Overview INCOME BEFORE INT., M.1. & INC. TAXES Interest Expense; Net Dividends on Preferred Stock of Subsidiaries Minority Interest PRE-TAX INCOME Income Tax Expense NET INCOME - RECURRING DILUTED EPS Recurring Non-recurririg TOTAL DILUTED EPS Avg shares outstanding - Diluted Effective Tax Rate - Recurring Earnings o C., r GPDr. cbO1RICE/VOIt0IRrerD5 o. dO r5Wrl rtfl 2001 1st CE Update Actual $ 76.7 $ 0.3 $ 77.0 57.7 7.2 64.9 134.4 7.5 141.9 959.5 279.6 1,239.1 98.0 (1.2) 96.5 ò (43.1) (43.1) 54.6 (20.5) 34.1 10.7 2.6 13.3 (3.6) (1.4) (5.2) (4.8) 5.3 0.5 41.7 - 41.7 (600.0) 104.2 (495.8) (19.6) L5.5) . (55.1) 536.3 290.0 626.3 25.2 8.3 33.5 13.8 1.7 15.5 (35.0) (2.0) (37.0) (39.2) 3.4 (35.8) 501.1 301.4 802.5 49.0 10.8 59.5 (15.0) (67.0) (102.0) (25.3) (6.1) (31.4) 12.9 (5.4) 7.5 2.7 8 0 10.7 (0.1) (19) (2.0) (95.9) 2.8 (93.1) 4.2 (4.7) (0.5) (101.5) (7.3) (106.6) 160.0 160.0 748.0 45.4 793.4 201.2 13.8 215.0 182 - 182 40.4 (10.9) 29.5 488.2 42.5 530.7 1)7.2 9.2 126.4 $ 371.0 $ 33.3 $ 404.3 $ 0.42 $ 0.03 $ 0.45 $ 0.42 $ 0.03 f 0.45 886.0 8911 24.0% 23.8% $ 77.3 62.0 139.3 331.2 64.5 (35) (78) 19.3 54.3 (22.4) 435.6 238 7.0 (17.5) (34.4) 414.5 45.7 (6.0) (10.8) 13.4 9.0 (1.2) (34.2) 42.4 (t.7) 16.9 606.4 1955 .20.8 38.8 353.3 644 S 206.9 $ 0.34 $ 0.34 862.2 18.2% of vs Do Growth 2% 94% 31% 30% 10% 50% 40% 32% :XH012-00295 ============= Page 3 of 22 ============= Al EARNINGS RELEASE - EXTERNAL FORMAT I.~ (Millons of Dollars, except as nosed) Quarter Ended Quarter Ended Six Months Ended March 31 June 30 June 30 Plan 2001 Act- 2000 Act tat CE 2001 Act 2000 Act let CE 2001 Act 2000 Act Transmission & Distribution Enron Transportation Services S 131.8 $ 133.3 $ 127.9 $ 76.7 $ 77.0 S 77.3 S 2100 S 210.3 $ 2052 Portland General 100.0 60.0 105.3 57.7 64.9 62.0 117.7 124.9 1673 Total Transmission & Distribution 231.6 193.3 233.2 134.4 141.9 139.3 327.7 335.2 372.5 Wholesale Energy Operations & Services Americas 270.6 947.9 137.5 959.5 1.239.1 331.2 1.607.4 2,007.0 4687 Europe 82.4 99.0 67.7 98.0 96.8 64.5 1970 .11955 1322 CATS/Margaux - (12.1) - - (43.1) - (12.1) (552) - Global Markets 46. 46.3 50.0 546 34.1 (3.5) 1009 804 465 Industrial Markets 9.0 8.9 - 10.7 13.3 - 196 222 - Net Works (3.6) (3.6) (14.2) (3.8) (5.2) (7.8) (7.4) (8.8) (220) EEOS 9.2 8.1 34 (4.8) 0.5 19.3 3 3 8 6 22 7 Global Assets 91.1 47.9 675 41.7 41.7 543 896 896 121 8 Retail Risk Management - (2304) 10.5 (600.0) (495.8) (22.4) (8304) (7262) (1191 Other Wholesale (08) (57.3) (19.6) (55.1) (76.9) (1124 Subtotal 504.0 754.7 322.4 536.3 826.3 435.6 1,291.0 1,581.0 758 0 Global Finance 40.0 14.7 104.4 25.2 33.5 23.8 399 482 12B 2 Global E&P 5.1 15.5 4.1 13.8 15.5 7.0 293 310 11 1 Prepays (35.1) (15.1) (22.9) (35.0). (37.0) (17.5) (50 1) (52.1) (404) Other 97.5 (15.0) 21.2 (39.2) (35.8) (34.4) _-(5411 5( 0 8) (13 2) Total Wholesale Energy Ops. & Services 611.5 754.8 429.2 501.1 802.5 414.5 1,255.9 1,557.3 843.7 Enron Energy Services 52.4 39.6 6.0 49.0 59.8 45.7 88.6 99.4 51.7 Enron Broadband Services (35.0) (35.0) (0.3) (15.0) (102.0) (8.0) (50.0) (137.0) (8.3) Corporate and Other (166) Azurix (17.1) (3).5) (6.0) (25.3) (31.4) (108) (568) (629) Enron Renewable Energy Corp (9.8) (16.6) 11.9 12.9 7.5 13.4 (3 9) (9.3) 25 3 Clean Fuels (16.1) (17.1) (3.3) 2.7 10.7 9.0 (144) (6.4) 57 Enron Investment Partners (0.1) (1.4) (0.4) (0.1) (2.0) (1.2) (1.5) (3 4) (1 6) Corporate & Other Expenses (822) (95.7) (35.7) (95.9) (93.1) (34.2) (191 6) (1888) (69 9) Structured Transactions 4.0 4.8 6.8 4.2 (0.5) 42.4 9.0 4.3 49 2 Other (17.4) (1.7) (19 1) Total Corporate & Other /121.3) (157.7) (44.1) (101.5) (108.8) 16.9 (259. __(266.5) (27.2) Overview 22.4 180.0 180.0 INCOME BEFORE INT., MA & INC. TAXES 761.11 795.0 624.0 748.0 793.4 600.4 1,543.0 1,588.4 1,232.4 Interest Expense, Net 193.2 201.0 161.1 201.2 215.0 1955 .44022 4160 3566 Dividends on Preferred Stock of Subsidiaries 184 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.2 208 36 2 36 2 389 Minority Interest 23.8 40.0 35.0 40.4 29.5 38.8 804 ^_ 69.5 73 8 PRE-TAX INCOME 526.4 536.0 409.8 488.2 530.7 353.3 1,024.2 1,066.7 763.1 Income Tax Expense 126.4 1300 722 117.2 126.4 64.4 247 2 256 4 ___1366 NET INCOME. RECURRING f 400.0 f 406.0 f 337.6 $ f 404.3 f 288.9 777. S 0= $ 010.3 s2s.s` rn DILUTED EPS C7 Recurring $ 0.45 $ 0.47 $ 0.40 $ 0.42 S 0.45 $ 0,34 $ 0 89 f 0 92 S 0' 74 Non-recurring C= 0.02 0 02 0 02 0.40 0.42 f 0,45 f 0.34 f 0.91 f 0.94 0 74 TOTAL DILUTED EPS ~-+ S 0.45 f 0.49 Qa ------- r_ . Avg shares outstanding -Diluted 695.0 670.1 . ' 851.9 888.0 891.1 8622 8860 . 881 5 81,7 0 Effective Tax Rate- Recumng Earnings 240% 24.3% 17.6% 24.0% 238% 182% 24 1 % 24 0% 1 7 e, XH012-00296 ============= Page 4 of 22 ============= T C7 Ca O to .ice W .ice CJ7 C= Transportation & Distribution 2nd Quarter 2001 $ in millions ETS Revenues Cost of Sales Gross Margin Operating Expenses Operating Income Equity Earnings Trailblazer, Overthrust Citrus Northern Border EOTT Gains on Sales Other Income IBIT ACTUAL NNG TW Other Ops Total $ 107.9 $ 46.6 $ (3.7) $ 150.8 29.6 - 0.1 29.7 78.3 46.6 (3.8) 121.1 64.8 12.6 (5.4) 72.0 13.5 34.0 1.6 49.1 2.0 - - 2.0 - - 11.2 11.2 - 2.2 2.2 - - 1.2 1.2 ' 0.6 - 0.8 1.4 0.4 0.1 9.6 (a) 9.9 $ 16.5 33.9 26.6 77.0 (a) Partial reversal of EOTT distribution reserve ($9.OMM) 1st Current Estimate 2000 Act $ 125.6 $ 165.7 (1.1) 18.0 126.7 147.7 4/.U 1.1 9.3 1.9 2.4 15.0 76.7- D U.4 1.0 9.0 1.7 (1.8) 1.0 _ 11.0 77.3 =XH012-00297 ============= Page 5 of 22 ============= Transportation a Distribution YTD Through June 30, 2001 $ in millions ETS Revenues Cost of Sales Gross Margin Operating Expenses Operating Income Equity Earnings Trailblazer, Overthrust Citrus Northern Border EOTT Gains on Sales Other Income WIT ACTUAL NNG TW Other Ops Total $ 262.9 $ 105.2 $ 8.2 $ 396.3 32.3 - 0.1 32.4 250.6 105.2 8.1 363.9 141.6 42.9 10.9 195.4 109.0 62.3 (2.8) 168.5 3.2 - - 3.2 - - 19.3 19.3 4.0 4.0 3.6 3.6 ' 0.6 (0.1) 0.8 1.3 1.1 - 9.3 (a) 10.4 ~' 113.9 62.2 -34.2 210.3 1st Current Estimate 2000 Act $ 362.5 $ 371.6 20.5 22.8 342.0 348.8 175.7 173.8 166.3 '175.0 2.1 1.9 17.5 15.5 3.7 3.4 4.8 (3.9) - 1.0 15.6 12.3 210.0 $ 205.2 I =XH012-00298 (a) Partial reversal of EOTT distribution reserve ($9.OMM) rte C, c 0 CIO .cn. CA") .A ============= Page 6 of 22 ============= Transportation & Distribution 2nd Quarter 2001 $ in millions Portland General Wholesale Retail Total Revenues Cost of Sales Gross Margin Operating Expenses Other Income IBIT 2nd Quarter 2001 Act 1st CE 2000 Act $ 460.0 $ 181.9 370.7 249.4 830.7 684.0 431.3 624.1 502.0 251.4 206.6 (a) 182.0 179.9 (148.6) (b) (137.7) (122.8) 6.9 13.4 4.9 64.9 57.7 62.0 YTD through June 30 2001 Act 1st CE 2000 Act $ 657.7 $ 532.5 939.9 295.9 1,597.6 1,451.2 828.4 1,205.8 1,084.4 453.9 391.8 366.8 374.5 (266.9) (255.6) (246.4) - 6.5 39.2 124.9 117.7 167.3 (a) Increase due to wholesale sales at higher prices offset by higher cost of sales and lower hydro generation (b) Increase due primarily to higher maintenance costs of $3.Omm, $3.4mm termination fee paid to GATX Capital Corp., increased amortization, and an adjustment for miscellaneous other taxes m C2 0 0 co CA) i C." i i =XH012-00299 ============= Page 7 of 22 ============= Wholesale services 2nd Quarter 2001 $ In millions f77 n O -4 A W i Americas 2nd Quarter 2001 Act 1st CE 2000 Act YTD through June 30 2001 Act 1st CE 2000 Act IBIT $ 1,239.1 $ 959.5 $ 331.2 $ 2,087.0 $ 1,807.4 $ 468.7 Detail of 2001 IBIT Trading Gas $ 149.2 $ 676.8 Power 703.1 1,208.8 Other 54.2 79.9 Total Trading 906.5 1,965.5 Originations 501.8 (a) 775.8 Assets & Investments 63.2 72.3 Expenses (232.4) (473.3) TVA Settlement - (253.3) IBIT $ 1,239.1 $ 2,087.0 (a) Significant originations: Peaker sales 412.2 Pastoria 40.4 Kern River 23.9 =XH012-00300 ============= Page 8 of 22 ============= Wholesale ,drvices 2nd Quarter 2001 $ in millions Europe 2nd Quarter YTD through June 30 2001 Act 1st CE 2000 Act 2001 Act 1st CE 2000 Act IBIT $ 96.8 $ 98.0 $ 64.5 $ 195.8 $ 197.0 $ 132.2 Detail of 2001 IBIT Trading Gas $ 14.6 $ (8.9) Power 51.8 187.9 Metals 16.6 25.2 Other (10.2) 22.7 Total Trading 72.8 226.9 Originations 107.5 (a) 131.6 (b) Assets & Investments 32.6 75.0 Expenses (116.1) (237.7) IBIT $ 96.8 $ 195.8 (a) Significant originations: (b) Significant originations rn n O O co CN .A CA A ETOL 3 36.0 ETOL 2 & 3 58.0 Ra Portfolio 20.0 Ra Portfolio 20.0 Sainsbury 18.0 Sainsbury 18.0 Manx 10.5 =XH012-00301 ============= Page 9 of 22 ============= Wholesale,ervices 2nd Quarter 2001 $ in millions Global Markets 2nd Quarter YTD through June 30 2001 Act 1st CE 2000 Act 2001 Act 1st CE 2000 Act IBIT $ 34.1 $ 54.6 $ (3.5) $ 80.4 $ 100.9 $ 46.5 Detail of 2001 IBIT rn n O O CD CA) .p c ll C.n Trading Crude & Products $ (91.2) $ (41.7) Coal (12.7) (11.5) Weather 8.9 17.6 Financial 17.2 30.5 Other 1.5 (3.6) Total Trading (76.3) (8.7) Originations 173.3 (a) 207.2 Assets & Investments (2.8) (3.6) Expenses (60.1) (114.5) IBIT $ 34.1 $ 80.4 (a) Significant originations: MTBE transaction 124.0 Cline put restructure 20.0 Mitsui 6.8 =XH012-00302 ============= Page 10 of 22 ============= Wholesale _.;rvices 2nd Quarter 2001 $ in millions Industrial Markets 2nd Quarter YTD through June 30 2001 Act 1st CE 2000 Act 2001 Act 1st CE 2000 Act IBIT $ 13.3 $ 10.7 $ - $ 22.2 $ 19.6 $ - T n C= O CO .A W Detail of 2001 IBIT Trading Pulp & Paper $ (2.0) $ 12.1 Lumber (5.1) (5.2) Steel 2.2 2.2 Europe (0.2) 2.1 Total Trading (5.1) 11.2 Originations 38.7' (a) 44.9 Assets & Investments Garden State Paper 14.8 14.8 Stadacona 9.5 9.5 Other (0.1) 15.5 Total Assets & Investments 24.2 39.8 Expenses (44.5) (73.7) IBIT $ 13.3 $ 22.2 (a) Significant originations: Sundance share sale 20.0 Huntco call option 10.9 Huntco investment mgmt. 7.5 :XH012-00303 ============= Page 11 of 22 ============= Wholesale Services 2nd Quarter 2001 $ in millions M n 0 0 Pak En Global Assets 2nd Quarter 2001 Act 1st CE 2000 Act YTD through June 30 2001 Act 1st CE 2000 Act IBIT $ 41.7 $ 41.7 $ 54.3 Detail of 2001 IBIT Assets & Investments Elektro (elec. dist.-Brazil) $ 12.1. $ 43.9 TGS (gas p/1-Argentina) 9.5 20.1 Promigas (gas p/1-Columbia) 6.1 9.2 DPC (power plant-India) 11.1 25.0 Chengdu (power plant-China) 6.9 13.4 BLM (power plant-Panama) 5.8 9.2 BPC (power plant-Philippines) 5.3 10.4 Other 10.3 1.7 Total Assets & Investments 67.1 132.9 Expenses (25.4) (43.3) IBIT $ 41.7 $ 89.6 $ 89.6 $ 89.6 $ 121.8 =XH012-00304 ============= Page 12 of 22 ============= Retail Set vices 2nd Quarter 2001 $ in millions T e) C w tp A W Q~p I EES Gross Revenues Gas and Power Sales Power MTM/Originations Facilities Services Outsource & Other International Total Revenues Cost of Sales Gas and Power Sales Facilities Services Outsource & Other International Total Cost of Sales Gross Margin Gas and Power Sales Power MTM/Originations Facilities Services Outsource & Other International Total Gross Margin Operating Expenses New Power Co. Monetizations Equity Losses Other Income IBIT 2nd Quarter YTD through June 30 2001 Act 1st CE 2000 Act 1st CE 2001 Act 2000 Act $ 70.0 $ 113.8 $ 319.2 $ 175.7 156.6 100.6 295.9 135.7 187.2 137.1 363.4 270.3 27.5 4.0 39.3 8.5 116.1 65.3 232.2 144.2 557.4 770.0 420.8 1,250.0 1,462.5 734.4 69.3 113.0 319.8 174.3 162.6 121.3 316.1 235.3 25.3 9.9 38.5 11.7 71.0 51.0 148.6 108.2 328.2 569.8 295.2 823.0 1,064.5 529.5 0.7 0.8 (0.6) 1.4 156.6 100.6 295.9 135:7 24.6 15.8 47.3 35.0 2.2 (5.9) 0.8 (3.2) 45.1 14.3 83.6 36.0 229.2 200.2 125.6 427.0 398.0 204.9 (178.7) (a) (157.2) (90.6) (351.3) (329.8) (185.9) 20.0 20.0 25.0 50.0 50.0 45.0 (13.3) (14.0) (18.9) (28.2) (28.9) (17.0) 2.6 - 4.6 1.9 (0.7 4.7 59.8 49.0 45.7 99.4 88.6 51.7 (a) Operating expenses increased versus 2000 20 primarily due to the following: Europe $9MM, IBMIIT services $13MM, bonus $1 OMM, commissions $10MM, salary and severance costs $35MM =XH012-00305 ============= Page 13 of 22 ============= Broadband cervices 2nd Quarter 2001 $ in millions rn C7 0 0 to .p. w C." C= EBS Gross Revenues Dark Fiber and Software Sales Content Services Contract Originations Merchant Investments Trading Other Total Revenues Cost of Sales Dark Fiber and Software Sales Content Services Trading Other Total Cost of Sales Gross Margin Dark Fiber and Software Sales Content Services Contract Originations Merchant Investments Trading Other Total Gross Margin Operating Expenses Other Income IBIT 2nd Quarter 1st CE 2001 Act 2000 Act YTD through June 30 1st CE 2001 Act 2000 Act $ 2.2 $ 152.4 $ 2.7 $ 199.9 0.1 0.2 58.7 0.4 - 2.1 3.8 2.1 (0.6) (4.2) (6.2) 7.2 9.2 - 29.3 - 4.9 - 10.6 - 165.6 15.8 150.5 248.7 98.9 209.6 4.6 70.4 4.7 78.2 1.6 3.8 1.6 3.8 13.4 - 40.0 2.4 0.4 4.6 0.4 91.9 22.0 74.6 120.8 50.9 82.4 (2.4) 82.0 (2.0) 121.7 (1.5) (3.6) 57.1 (3.4) - 2.1 3.8 2.1 (0.6) (4.2) (6.2) 7.2 (4.2) - (10.7) - 2.5 (0.4) 6.0 (0.4) 73.7 (6.2) 75.9 127.9 48.0 127.2 (88.7) (93.7) (85.2) (180.4) (185.4) (137.1) (2.1) 1.3 2.5 0.4 1.6 (15.0) (102.0) (8.0) (50.0 -$ (137.0) (8.3) =XH012-00306 ============= Page 14 of 22 ============= Corporate SL nctions Corporate Staff Costs Retained June YTD 2001 (In thousands of dollars) Total Year June YTD 2001 Plan Change 1st CE Plan Actuals Variance Executive 17,132 1,100 18,232 8,752 14,630 (5,878) (1 Legal 9,781 - 9,781 4,892 6,500 (1,608) Risk Assessment & Control 1,392 - 1,392 697 (1,488) 2,185 Accounting & Tax 30,307 - 30,307 15,156 15,985 (829) SAP ISC 9,264 - 9,264 4,632 5,491 (859) Strategic Sourcing 6,844 - 6,844 3,424 3,913 (489) Investor Relations 3,036 - 3,036 1,518 1,810 (292) Corporate Development 3,485 - 3,485 1,743 2,134 (392) Human Resources 3,862 - 3,862 2,864 6,666 (3,802) (2 Community Relations 7,232 - 7,232 3,617 3,743 (126) Benefits 119,226 9,000 128,226 59,613 44,270 15,343 (3 Analyst & Associates - - - - 2,602 (2,602) (4 Public Affairs 38.515 - 38,515 19,258 16,769 2,489 (5 Administrative Services 2,236 - 2,236 1,118 (127) 1,245 Risk Management 2,433 - 2,433 1,217 701 515 Xcelerator - 1,500 1,500 - 2,626 (2,626) Amortization & depreciation 78,218 - 78,218 39,109 34,829 4,280 (6 EBS transfers - 13,000 13,000 - 12,205 (12,205) Other 32,966 13,000 " 45,966 15,170 15,593 `423) Costs Retained at Corporate 365,929 37,600 403,529 182,779 188,853 (6,074 Primarliy relates to special payments to former employees and Azurix costs. 1) Variance is due to corporate aviation usage and special payments. 2) Primarily timing of Click@Home program, expenses were planned evenly over the year. rn C7 Most of the costs were incurred in Feb - June. 0 C= 3) Variance is primarily due to decrease in value of investments for calculating liability related p to deferred compensation plan. 4) Due to fewer participants in the program, all of the program overhead costs have not been billed out. C 5) Variance is primarily timing of payments for advertising. 6) Plan amortization was assume to be equal over the year. Variance is caused by timing of new projects. XH012-00307 ============= Page 15 of 22 ============= Enron Corp 2001 Cash Flow Estimate T C1:1 O C= ~.O - CW .ice J June YTD July thru Dec. Estimate' Estimate Full Year Funds Flow from Operations 1,520.5 1,479.5 3,000.0 Changes In Working Capital (2,452.1) 1,052.1 (1.400.0) Cash Flow from Operations (931.6) 2,531.6 1,600.0 Proceeds from Sale of Assets 1,473.5 398.9 1,872.4 Capital Exp & Equity Investments (2,860.8) (917.3) (3,778.2) (1,387.4) (518.4) (1,905.8) Cash Flow (2,319.0) 2,013.2 (305.8) Cash Flow from Financing Increase/(Dec) in Debt 2,329.4 (1,731.0) . 598.4 Dividends Paid (285.6) (285.1) (570.7) Other Financing (56.6) 2.9 (53.7) 1,987.2 (2,013.2) (26.0) Increase/(Decrease) In Cash Balances (331.8) - (331.8) Balance Sheet Debt Opening Balance 10,229.5 12,702.1 10,229.5 Increase from Cash Flow 2,329.4 (1,731.0) 598.4 Other Changes 143.3 - 143.3 Ending Balance 12,702.1 10,971.1 10,971.1 ' Jan-May actual June estimate. !XH012-00308 ============= Page 16 of 22 ============= P71 C1 O O .A. W O'1 fV I Enron Corp Funds Flow from Operat ions 2001 Year-to-Date 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter June Actual Estimate Year-to-Dale Transportation & Distribution Enron Transportation Services 83.8 63.7 147.5 Portland General Group 6.6 127.2 133.7 90.4 190.9 281.2 Wholesale Enron North America 615.2 920.4 1,535.6 (1) Enron Europe 192.4 (73.2) 119.2 Enron Global Markets (153.7) (81.4) (235.1) (2) Enron Global Assets 93.3 (139.8) (46.5) (3) Global Explor 8 Prod 28.6 (34.8) (6.2) EEOS 1.9 (20.6) (18.7) Enron Net Works (105.5) 102.6 (2.9) Enron Global Finance 12.7 (129.1) (116.4) Enron Industrial Markets (142.5) (24.4) (166.9) Wholesale - Other (457.9) 729.6 271.7 (4) Wholesale - EES (89.6) (42.8) (132.4) Wholesale - Elims (18.4) 46.0 27.6 El Headquarters 7.0 1.5 8.6 (16.3) 1,253.9 1,237.6 Enron Broadband (19.0) 29.1 10.1 Enron Energy Services 11.0 (22.9) (11.9) Enron Renewable Energy 0.8 0.3 1.0 Corporate & Other 69.0 (66.6) 2.5 Total 135.9 1,384.6 1,520.5 (1) Includes gain on Peakers -5800 million, Prepays of $220 million 1Q and $250 million 20. and Si(he Transaction $600 million. (2) Includes purchase of Crude & Products Options (S 150) million and Weather Derivatives of ($40) million (3) 20 includes ($116) million reclass of Halnan (4) 1Q activity relates to growth In PRM Asset, 20 reflects cash In-flow from Credit Link Note of $850 million EXH012-00309 ============= Page 17 of 22 ============= Enron (.urp Change in Working Capital 2001 Year-to-Date 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter June Actual Estimate Year-to-Date Transportation IL Distribution Enron Transportation Services (54.6) 75.6 21.0 Portland General Group (42.4) (30.2) (72.8) (97.0) 45.4 (51.6) Wholesale Enron North America (421.9) (1.801.2) (2,223.1) (1) Enron Europe 263.9 (212.6) 51.3 (2) Enron Global Markets 44.3 (10.4) 34.0 (3) Enron Global Assets (17.8) (28.9) (46.8) Global Expler & Prod 5.6 4.7 10.3 EEOS (17.0) 177.6 160.6 (4) Enron Net Works (57.2) 18.1 (39.1) Enron Global Finance 257 1.8 27.5 Enron Industrial Markets 4 9 50.9 558 Wholesale - Other (8.8) 4.1 (26) Wholesale - EES 21.7 105.5 127.2 Wholesale - Elims 18.8 (26.0) (7.2) El Headquarters (1.5) (2.1) (3.6) (137.2) (1,716.5) (1,855.7) Enron Broadband (56.3) (30.7) (87.0) Enron Energy Services (65.7) 22.7 (43.0) Enron Renewable Energy (81.7) (31.1) (5) (1128) Corporate & Other (161.4) (140.6) (302 1) ~7 Total (599.3) (1,652.8) (2,452.1) O O "j tL~ (1) Reflects net cash out-Bow related to OTC/NYMEX margins & deposits ($2,300) million imp (2) 10 reflects sale of Metals Inventory $300 million, 20 reflects build-up of Inventory ($144) million C .P (3) Includes Increases In inventoried ($174) million W (4) Reduction in AR at NEPCO (5) Increase In Inventories and other receivables related to projects of ($116) million EXH012-00310 ============= Page 18 of 22 ============= Enron %,.urp Cas h Flow from Investing Activities 2001 Year-to-Date Capital Equity Other June 2001 Plan Expenditures Investments Investing Year-lo-Date June Y-T-D Transportation & Distribution Enron Transportation Services (90.1) - 6.2 (839) (763) Portland General Group (103.0) - 7.6 (95.4) - (1) 1193.1) - 13.8 (179.31 (76.3) Wholesale Enron North America (248.6) (7.5) (1,186.7) (1,442.8) (267.7) (2) Enron Europe (168.3) - 0.9 (165.4) (810) (3) Enron Global Markets (7.6) - (66.6) (74.4) (390) Enron Global Assets (37.4) (57.6) (12.0) (107.0) (130.3) Global Explor & Prod (2.8) - (3.8) (6.6) (1.6) EEOS (1,5) - - (1.5) (2.7) Enron Net Works (63.5) - - (63.5) (658) Enron Global Finance - - 1.8 1.8 Enron Industrial Markets (1.0) (380.0) 127.5 (233.4) (446.0) (4) Wholesale - Other - - - - - Wholesale - EES - - - - Wholesale - Elims - - - - El Headquarters (3.1) - (3.1) (526.8) (428.1) (1,138.9) (2,095.8) (1,034.0) Enron Broadband (111.1) (15.0) - (126.1) (3980) (5) Enron Energy Services (28.5) - (6.1) (34.5) (53.2) Enron Renewable Energy (10,1) (0.0) (01) (10.2) (239) Corporate & Other (554) (325.6) (339) (414.9) (1,136 7) (6) rn Total (926.9) (769.8) (1,185.2) )2,860.8) (2,722.1) C") C (1) Plan anticipated sale in Of 2001 0 (2) Includes Investing activities related to Sithe of ($955) mm, Merlin ($71) mm C4 (3) Includes CATS settlement In April of ($142) million A W (4) $200 mm payment to Sundance for unwnind of Fishtail ~. (5) Planned reduction in Cap Ex t~ A (6) Includes additional purchase of Azurtx shares, Plan assumed repurchase of Rawhide. EXH012-00311 ============= Page 19 of 22 ============= Enron Corp Total Capital Deployed 2001 May Year-to-Date As of May 31, 2001 As of Dec 31, 2000 May 2001 Off Balance Total Cap Deployed Total Cap Deployed Capital Deployed Sheet Assets" Incl. Off BIS Incl. Off BIS Transportation & Distribution Enron Transportation Sevices 2,723.3 - 2,723.3 2,697.0 Portland General Group 3,307.1 - 3,307.1 3,180.6 6,030.4 - 6,030.4 5,877.6 Wholesale Americas 4,168.2 19.0 4,187.2 2,812.0 (1) Enron Global Markets 648.4 - 648.4 714.0 Enron Europe 1,447.1 361.0 1,808.1 1,655.5 Middle East (Europe) 57.1 57.1 49.6 Global Exploration & Production 419.3 419.3 449.0 Enron Global Finance 2,301.0 2,301.0 1,428.5 (2) Enron Industrial Markets 545.5 545.5 (54.0) EEOS 98.2 98.2 158.0 Enron Global Assets 6,890.4 91.0 6,981.4 6,933.1 Enron Net Works 196.0 196.0 (7.0) Wholesale - Other - - - Wholesale - EES 675.1 675.1 - (3) Eliminations & Other 6.3 6.3 6.3 17,452.6 471.0 17,923.6 14,145.1 Enron Energy Services 713.5 102.0 815.5 1,732 0 Enron Broadband Services 1,002.1 92.0 1,094.1 9380 Enron Renewable Energy Corp 657.8 657.8 544.0 Corporate & Other" 2,574.6 1,450.0 4,024.6 4,919.4 Total 28,431.0 2,115.0 30,546.0 28,156.0 f'77 n ' Corporate & Other includes Azurix, HPL Fair Value and Clean Fuels. Q " Off balance sheet capital includes contingent equity, FAS 1251140, corporate guarantees, and residual va lue guarantees as of 12131100. C= ~G (1) Impact of margin activity. C-40 (2) Includes N!R from sale of JEDI shares previously owned by Enron. A (3) Included in EES-Relail. Cil EXH012-00312 ============= Page 20 of 22 ============= ENRON 2001 OPERATING & STRATEGIC PLAN ENRON AMERICAS SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (Millions of Dollars) 1st Qtr Year Schedule C Reserves - 3/1/01 $ 1,300.0 $ 1,300.0 EES Related: California Credit (455.0) (A) (455.0) Tariff Adjustment (320.0) (320.0) Potential Adjustments - (400.0) Volatility (288.0) - (B) Specific Transactions (150.0) (150.0) Raptor Credit (37.0) (37.0) California Investigation (50.0) (50.0) Gain on Sale of Peakers - 400.0 HPL - (100.0) Reserves Remaining $ - $ 188.0 ENA 01 overperformance 577.0 Total ENA overperformance needed to hit $1.75 EPS (946.0) (C) Amount currently.short $ (181.0) Current Status: Assumes ENA will hit original 02, 03 & Q4 plan (IBIT $692.4 million) (A) Assumes 20% recovery on -$570 million of negative CTC and other receivables (B) Assumes any amount funded with "new money" (C) New Current Estimate for the year to be completed by end of April O:ICoromle%GPGRn%CfpIOTRFCST1sro14Moon=slQxls)Mw cas (3) 4113/012:27 PM EC 001942421 EXH012-00313 ============= Page 21 of 22 ============= ENRON tARNINGS RELEASE - EXTERNAL FORMA. y (Millions of Dollar,, except as noted) ~0 First Quarter 2001 2000 Stock Option Plan Update Adjustment Forecast Actual Transmission & Distribution Enron Transportation Services s 13b.0 $ - 1.8 S 131.8 S 127.9 Portland General 100.0 (40.0) 60.0 105.3 Total Transmission & Distribution 230.0 (40.0) 1.8 191.8 233.2 Wholesale Energy Operations & Services Americas 265.5 566.7 5.1 837.3 137.5 Europe 80.5 4.5 1.9 86.9 67.7 Global Markets 45.0 0.1 1.1 46.2 50.0 Industrial Markets 8.5 (0.2) 0.5 8.8 - Net Works (4.4) - 0.8 (3.6) (14.2) Global Assets 88.1 (43.2) 3.0 47.9 67.5 Retail Risk Management - (231.0) - (231.0) Other Wholesale (0.8) (30.5) (31.3) - Subtotal 482.3 266.4 12.4 761.2 308.5 Global Finance 49.5 (37.5) 0.5 12.5 104.4 Global E&P 4.7 10.8 0.4 15.9 4.1 Prepays (35.1) 20.1 - (15.0) (22.9) Other 105.5 114.7 1.2 (8.0) 29.8 Total Wholesale Energy Ops. & Services 606.9 145.1 14.5 766.5 423.9 Enron Energy Services 48.5 (8.9) 3.9 43.5 11.3 'ron Broadband Services (35.0) - (35.0) (0.3) Corporate and Other Azurix (17.1) (14.4) - (31.5) (6.0) Enron Renewable Energy Corp (10.0) (7.0) 0.2 (16.8) 11.9 Clean Fuels (16.3) (1.0) 0.2 (17.1) (3.3) Enron Investment Partners (0.1) (1.3) - (1.4) (0.4) Corporate & Other Expenses (61.6) (17.5) (20.6) (99.7) (35.7) Structured Transactions 4.0 0.4 - 4.4 6.8 Reciass from/to Wholesale (17.4) Total Corporate & Other (101.1) (40.8) (20.2) (162.1) (44.1) Overview 22.4 (22.4) INCOME BEFORE INT., M.I. & INC. TAXES 771.7 33.0 804.7 612.7 Interest Expense, Net 203.2 5.2 - 208.4 161.1 Dividends on Preferred Stock of Subsidiaries 18.4 - - 18.4 18.1 Minority Interest 23.8 13.4 37.2 34.9 PRE-TAX INCOME 526.3 14.4 - 540.7 398.6 Income Tax Expense - 126.3 3.5 129.8 72.2 NET INCOME - RECURRING S 400.0 S . 10.9 $ $ 410.9 S 326.4 DILUTED EPS Recurring - $ 0.45 $ 0.02 $ S 0.47 S 0.38 Non-recurring TOTAL DILUTED EPS S 0.45 S 0.02 S S 0.47 S 0.38 Avg stoves outstanding -Diluted 685.0 871.1 851.9 Effective Tax Rate - Recurring Earnings 24.0% 24.0% 18.1% O1f:er,YWAPGFWZ IpTalt:STilmtvpee 4 11arllen.4 533 Mst. n .12011141- w EC 001942427 e 1 vs 00 Growth -18.' 81% 285ò/. 31% 29% 36% 26% 24% EXH012-00314 ============= Page 22 of 22 ============= ENRON 1st Quarter 2001 Reconciliation of ENA Coverage (Millions of Dollars, except as noted) Retail Risk Management $ 231.0 Delay in LDC Sales 115.0 PGE Below Plan 40.0 Global Assets Below Plan 43.2 Global Finance Below Plan 37.5 EES Below Plan. 9.8 EBS Costs 17.3 Azurix, EREC, Clean Fuels below plan 22.4 EPS increase of $.02 22.0 Financing Costs and Other 28.5 Total $ 566.7 EC 001942429 EXH012-00315