============= Page 1 of 2 ============= Ri m U CO 03 0 Z CHASE BANK U Dale Description Advance P own cum. Balance Personal Cum. Personal Invest Cum. Invest S- E. Cum. RI- I 2131198 Beginning Balance 792,000 484,467 - 185,000 - 142 6121(99 Advance to BA 3.000.000 3,792,000 3,000,000 3,484,467 165,000 142,533 711199 Advance to BA 2,000,000 5,792,000 2,000.000 5,484,467 165,000 142,533 7113199 GS Large Cap Poitfol[o 2,000,000 7,792,000 5,484,467 2,000,000 2,185,000 142,533 6/30199 Paydown-PW (2,500,000) 5,292,000 (2,500,000) 2,984,487 2,185,000 142,533 9/15/99 Jester Apts. 525,000 5,817,000 125,000 3,109,487 400,000 2,565,000 142,593 9120!99 Carson Europe Fund 300,000 8,117,000 3,109,467 300,000 2,885,000 142,533 9122199 Expenses 100,000 6,217,000 100,000 3,209,467 2,665,000 142,533 9123199 Expenses 150,000 6,367.000 150,000 3,359.467 2,885,000 142,533 8124/99 Blelntiefm Apts & Manul[te Annu 800,000 7,167,000 3,359,467 800,000 3,665.000 142.533 10/12199 Paydown-FW (1,000,000) 6,167,000 (1,000,000) 2,359,467 3,865,000 142,533 10127/99 Cypress Account 500,000 6,667,000 2,359,467 500,000 4.165,000 142,533 10/25/99 Expenses 100,000 6,767,000 100,000 2,459,467 4,185,000 142,533 11/10/99 Advance to PW 500,000 7,267,000 500,000 2,959,467 4,165,000 142,533 11110199 Pay Dawn PW (2,600,000) 4,767,000 (2,500,(00) 459,467 4,165,000 142,633 1211199 Pw Strategy Fund 1,000,000 5,767,000 469,467 1,000,000 5,166,000 142,533 1211/99 Advance to PW 500,000 6,267,000 500,000 959,467 5,165,000 142,533 12/2/99 Expenses 500,000 6,787,000 500,000 1,459,467 5,185,000 142,533 12/22/99 Expenses 100,000 6,867,000 100,000 1,559,467 5,165,000 142,533 1%66 How,-c.l.n.tt E N m N m m N r9 .-1 o 03130199 12,500 7,646 2,604 2.250 07108199 18,482 11,811 2,495 2,158 09/01199 78,690 58.408 18,764 1,518 11!30199 95,783 30,125 49,190 5,458 2,716 2,294 MPW 00580 8,217,000 _BF001-00904 ============= Page 2 of 2 ============= Sheet2 Chase Bank List of Investments Date ± Investments Amount ACCUrr Amount 612/98 1 Creekstone Lot 165,000 165,000 7/19/99IGoidman Sachs Large Cap Port. 2,000,000 2,165,000 9/15I991Jester Apts 400,000 2,565,000 9/20199ICarson Europe Fund 300,000 2,865,000 9/24/99 1 Blenheim Apts 225,000 3,090,000 _ 9/24/991Manulife Variable Annuity 575,000 3,665,000 10/22/991 Cypress Asset Mgmt Addition 500,000 i 4,165,000 12/1/991PW Strategy Fund 1,000,000 5,165,000 MPW 00581 Page 1 BF001-00905