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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Subjects of Investigation
Ludwigia hexapetala
Centaurea solstitialis
Tamarix spp.

1 - Tamarix spp. biological control
2 - Saltcedar leaf beetle
3 - Beetle laboratory and modeling studies
4 - Beetle population increase
5 - Beetle effect in one year
6 - Beetles in many states
7 - Beetle effect in Lovelock, NV
Tamarix spp. biological control

Tamarix spp. biological control

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Saltcedar: Diorhabda elongata Field Release
2004 Cape ivy Report
2004 Cape ivy Report Appendices
2003 Cape ivy Report
2002 Cape ivy Report
2001 Cape ivy and YST Report
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Reno Nevada Worksite
Last Modified: 04/19/2007
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