Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Table 4-26. Energy Intensity of Amtrak Services

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  1975 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Revenue passenger-miles (millions) 3,931 4,503 4,785 6,057 6,273 6,091 6,199 5,921 5,545 5,050 5,166 5,304 5,330
Locomotive fuel consumed                          
Total fuel consumed (billion Btu)a 9,367 9,673 9,995 12,512 12,406 12,328 12,511 11,457 10,191 10,875 11,365 11,341 11,229
Electric (millions of kWh)a 180 254 295 330 303 300 301 309 304 293 282 275 283
Diesel (million gallons) 63 64 65 82 82 82 83 75 66 71 75 75 74
Energy intensity (Btu/revenue passenger-mile)a 2,383 2,148 2,089 2,066 1,978 2,024 2,018 1,935 1,838 2,153 2,200 2,138 2,107

a Does not include electric power generation and distribution losses, which, if included, would triple the electric conversion factor given below,  and would increase the numbers in this row by about 20%.

KEY: Btu = British thermal unit; kWh = kilowatt hour.

NOTE: The heat equivalent factors used in Btu conversion are: diesel = 138,700 Btus/gallon; electric = 3,412 Btu/kWh.

Revenue passenger-miles:
Amtrak, Amtrak Annual Report, Statistical Appendix (Washington, DC: Annual issues).
Locomotive fuel consumed:
1975-99: Ibid., State and Local Affairs Department, personal communications.

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