Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 3-24: Labor Productivity Indices for Selected Transportation Industries

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  1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Output per hour a worked                                  
Airb N N N N N N 93 93 97 100 106 109 111 112 R108 R109 111
Bus, Class I c 106 128 118 107 111 96 96 104 105 109 99 110 106 125 105 R135 112
Railroad 22 32 36 43 55 82 119 128 140 145 150 156 167 170 173 R183 196
Trucking, except localb N N N N N N 111 117 123 127 130 125 131 132 130 132 131
Petroleum pipelinesc 31 49 76 91 89 100 103 99 100 104 108 116 131 134 137 R145 141
Output per employeed                                  
Air 22 35 45 56 71 92 93 93 97 100 106 109 111 112 R108 R109 111
Bus, Class I c 108 129 119 103 99 93 96 102 103 107 96 105 103 121 104 R133 110
Railroad 25 36 42 46 55 79 120 125 134 142 153 162 172 177 176 182 195
Trucking, except local 48 56 60 64 78 94 111 117 123 127 130 125 131 132 130 132 131
Petroleum pipelinesc 30 48 75 89 89 98 102 98 99 104 112 121 139 141 146 R150 141

KEY: N = data do not exist; R = revised.

a Based on the number of paid hours.

b The average weekly hours were assumed to be constant for these industries; therefore, the output per hour worked and the output per employee measures are identical in the years for which data are given for both measures.

c Data did not meet the publication standards for the Bureau of Labor Statistics and are considered less reliable than the published series.

d Full-time and part-time employees are counted equally. Hence, these data do not reflect output per full-time equivalent employee.


Index, 1987 = 100.


U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Industry Productivity, Internet site http://www.bls.gov/lpc/iprdata1.htm as of Aug. 12, 2002.

Ibid., personal communication, Aug. 19, 2002 (unpublished data).

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