500+ Sample Business Plans

Looking for a free business plan example for a company like yours?
Get inspired with our gallery of sample business plans created with
our best-selling Business Plan Pro software.

Free business plans

How to write a business plan

Start your business plan on the right foot with practical advice from business planning expert Tim Berry and the Bplans staff.

What is a business plan?

Business plan thumbnail

Your business plan should be a living roadmap to success, not just a one-time document.

Crafting your elevator pitch

Condense your plan into a compelling business pitch to sell investors. Check out Tim Berry's five-part series on pitching, starting with Part 1: Personalize Your Pitch.

Business plan outline

Business plan outline thumbnail

Learn what lenders, partners, and investors expect to see in your business plan.

SBA business planning course

Business plan videos

Learn more about business planning with our recorded webinars and weekly videos by expert business planner Tim Berry.

Tim Berry on how to craft your business pitch

Tim Berry's blog

Tim Berry is one of the best-known business planning experts. His popular blog is a great resource for startups and small businesses.

Small business newsletter

Get our latest tips and advice on planning and small business straight to your inbox.

Business planning calculators

Use these handy tools to evaluate key aspects of your business planning and strategy.

Cash Flow CalculatorCash Flow Calculator

See the effects of A/R, inventory levels, etc. on your cash position.

Investment Offering Calculator

Calculate the value transfer between company and investors.

Starting Costs Calculator

How much capital will you need to start your business?

Email Marketing ROI Calculator

Determine your return for money spent on marketing emails.

Expert Advice

Need help with your business? Here are public and private resources that provide great assistance.


Starting a business

Effective marketing communications and advertising programs can play a crucial role in small business success. Get practical ideas below for promoting your company's brand.

Getting financing

Need outside funds to get your startup off the ground, but not sure where to start? Learn the basics in our primer series on small business financing and investment.

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