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Terms and Definitions

Terms and Definitions

alphabet list Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A

Any federal, state or county government organization participating with jurisdictional responsibilities.

Aid Agreement
A formal agreement between two or more agencies where on party assists another party. It is used primarily for areas in which a Park depends on assistance for fire protection from a local community

A visual or audio warning of danger.

Alarm Signal
A signal indicating an emergency that requires immeditae action, such as a signal indicative of fire.

A system, condition, arrangement, material, or equipment submitted for approval to Authority Having Jurisdiction.

Annual Fire Safety Inspection
A yearly fire inspection conducted by a qualified individual either in the private or public sector to identify fire code deficiencies.

Acceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction

The generic name for a high-strength, flame-resistant synthetic fabric used in the shirts and pants of firefighters. Nomex, a brand name for aramid fabric, is the term commonly used by firefighters.

Direction toward which a slope faces.

Real or Personal Property or a component thereof.

Asset Damage
A condition deficiency resulting from damage caused by deterioration and other unforeseen impacts to the physical condition of the assor, or any form of deferred maintenance, neglect, or detrimental action by employees, agents, contractors, visitors, animals, and insects.

Asset Wear
The progressive deterioration (not coaused by deferred maintenance) of construction materials, hardware, window and door systems, switches, floor planking, pavement and or other components.

Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)
The organization, office, or individual responsible for approving equipment, materials, installation, or procedure.

Automatic Fire Extinguishing System
Any system that is designed and installed to detect a fire and subsequently discharge an extinguishing agent without human activation or direction.

Burned stove.

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