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Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Case Study - Text Version

Narrator: Wildfires are a part of nature that can often be managed to help the environment remain healthy.

photo: Regrowth beginning after a wildland fire.

On-Screen Text: Human-caused fires are always put out.

Narrator: But there are fires that cause damage.

photo: Forest fire in crowns of trees with dark smoke plume.

On-screen text: Wildfires that threaten human life and property are extinguished.

Narrator: Not only in what is burned, but what is left behind.

photo: Ground fire with six-inch flames burns through green grass and is approaching dead, downed log.

Narrator: A severe fire burns too many plants and roots that protects soil and prevents erosion.

On-screen text: Vegetation helps stabilize the soil and prevent erosion.

Narrator: Furthermore, high intensity fires can bake plants and roots that protects soil and prevents erosion.

photo: Forest floor burned creating hydrophobic soil.

On-screen text: This hydrophobic soil will not absorb water, leading to dangerous erosion and flooding.

Narrator: These conditions are as destructive as the fires that caused them.

Narrator: With the ground left unable to absorb water, rain collects into a flood, loaded with burnt trees, sediment and boulders.

On-screen text: This type of flood acts like a bulldozer, tearing the forest as it moves through.

Narrator: Which will surge through the land devouring roads, building and polluting essential water reservoirs.

On-screen text: This type of flooding can cause more damage than the fire itself.

Narrator: To prevent this crisis, a team of specialists is requested.

On-screen text: Burned Area Emergency Response

Narrator: A BAER team will start before the fire is out stabilizing the burned area to prevent further damage or loss of life from erosion or flooding.

photo: BAER crew member working on a wildland fire.

On-screen text: A BAER team includes biologists, archeologists, soil scientists, and as needed stat or tribal representatives.

Narrator: And will continue for months afterwards to assess and repair the destruction.

photo: BAER specialists working after a fire to check water absorption in the soil.

On-screen text: Satellite photos, on-ground surveys are used to determine the risks of flooding and minimize further damage.

Narrator: One of the first treatments is restoring areas that were cleared during construction of firelines.

On-screen text: During a fire, firelines are cut by firefighters to help contain the fire.

Narrator: And to prevent further erosion, logs may be laid across slopes to slow the flow of water and trap sediments.

On-screen text: Flexible straw tubes called 'wattles' may also be in place of logs.

Narrator: Metal fences are constructed to catch damaging debris and protect roads.

photo: Metal fences stop debris from moving down stream.

On-screen text: These metal fences stop damage from occurring further downstream of the flood.

Narrator: The water repelling soil is raked, allowing the soil to absorb water and begin plant growth.

On-screen text: Vegetation in raked soil recovers more quickly than in unraked soil.

Narrator: Straw is spread to protect the soil from rain, hold moisture, restore bacteria and break-down water tight soils.

On-screen text: Straw can be applied to the fore floor by aircraft.

Narrator: Native vegetation is seeded to return the area back to normal.

On-screen text: Only native species or annual plants that are compatible to the environment are seeded.

Narrator: Any threats to life and property are handled through meetings with landowners.

photo: Town hall meeting with local residents.

On-screen text: These meetings include information on hazard avoidance and progress towards recovery.

Narrator: And residential areas prone to flash flooding are provided with an early warning system.

photo: Early warning system signal to alert local towns threatened by flash floods.

On-screen text: Rain gauges measure rainfall and sound alarms if a community is threatened by flash floods.

Narrator: BAER gives nature and communities a head start in recovering from a massive fire.

photo: Forest area after recovering from wildland fire.

Narrator: While a natural recovery from fire is best, a BAER team can help the speed of the restoration from more intense wildfires.

photo: sequoia trees in front of blue partly cloudy sky.

BAER Case Study - Flash
Flash version of BAER presentation.

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