U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - National Education Department

he mission of the Education Department of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary is twofold: to provide exceptional boating safety education to the American public with the aim of reducing loss of life, personal injury and property damage to recreational boaters; and to deliver the highest possible quality training, resources and timely materials in support of our flotilla instructors and public education staff officers at every level who are furnishing such boating safety education.

Front page of The Education Connection The Education Connection

Published in March, September, and December of each year, The Education Connection presents field proven techniques for better boating education. Get in the habit of reading it and submitting your own suggestions.


The Coast Guard’s Division of Boating Safety’s recent Strategic Plan identifies the need for measurable goals: reduction in boating accident injuries and fatalities. The Education Department is committed to focusing its attention helping realize those goals by reaching as many people with the safe boating information as possible, especially the high risk boaters. In addition, we have these goals:  

  • Develop and/or maintain up to date and effective educational materials
  • Continue to focus on the segment of the boating public most at risk
  • Increase flotilla-taught basic boating safety education by 10% annually
  • Provide and promote ongoing quality instructor development
  • Make use of appropriate technological resources
  • Adopt e-learning as a viable way to reach boaters
  • Utilize e-learning to challenge and grow our instructor corps
  • Partner with outside organizations where applicable to further boating education
  • Continue to team with the experience and expertise of the other National Departments to provide solid programs and courses
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