PNAS Editorial Board

Randy Schekman

Associate Editors
David Chandler
Alan Fersht
Jack Halpern
Jeremy A. Sabloff
Solomon H. Snyder
B. L. Turner II
Peter K. Vogt
Susan R. Wessler

PNAS Staff


Animal, Nutritional, and
  Applied Microbial

David L. Denlinger
R. Michael Roberts
Linda J. Saif
Ryuzo Yanagimachi

Richard G. Klein
Dolores R. Piperno
Alan Walker

Applied Mathematical

Peter J. Bickel

Applied Physical Sciences
Noel A. Clark
Francisco de la Cruz
Harry L. Swinney

Neta A. Bahcall

Edward D. Korn
Stephan C. Kowalczykowski
John Kuriyan
Alan M. Lambowitz
Michael A. Marletta
Kiyoshi Mizuuchi
Charles M. Radding
Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
Tom A. Rapoport
James A. Wells
William T. Wickner

Biophysics and
  Computational Biology

David Baker
Adriaan Bax
William A. Eaton
Barry H. Honig
Robert Langer
Michael Levitt
Gregory A. Petsko

Cellular and
  Developmental Biology

C. David Allis
Eric H. Davidson
John B. Gurdon
Eric N. Olson
Michael Rosbash
David D. Sabatini
Gertrud M. Schüpbach

Cellular and Molecular

Pietro V. De Camilli
Richard L. Huganir
L. L. Iversen
Yuh Nung Jan
Eve Marder
Jeremy Nathans
Charles F. Stevens
Thomas C. Südhof
Joseph S. Takahashi
Richard W. Tsien

Stephen J. Benkovic
Harry B. Gray
Raphael D. Levine
Jerrold Meinwald
Mark A. Ratner
Nicholas J. Turro

Computer and Information

William H. Press

Economic Sciences
Partha Sarathi Dasgupta

Engineering Sciences
Anthony G. Evans
Katepalli R. Sreenivasan

Environmental Sciences
  and Ecology

James H. Brown
Christoper B. Field
David M. Karl
Robert May
David W. Schindler

Evolutionary Biology
Francisco J. Ayala
May R. Berenbaum
W. Ford Doolittle
Douglas J. Futuyma
Daniel L. Hartl
Masatoshi Nei
Tomoko Ohta
Gene E. Robinson

Kathryn V. Anderson
Thomas W. Cline
Stanley N. Cohen
Stanley Fields
Barry Ganetzky
Iva S. Greenwald
Jeffrey C. Hall
Philip C. Hanawalt
Rudolf Jaenisch
Jasper Rine
Reed B. Wickner

W. G. Ernst
James P. Kennett

Mark H. Thiemens

Human Environmental

Ruth S. DeFries
Susan Hanson

Peter Cresswell
Douglas T. Fearon
Tak Wah Mak
Philippa Marrack
William E. Paul
Ralph M. Steinman
Tadatsugu Taniguchi
Arthur Weiss

Richard V. Kadison
Robion C. Kirby

Medical Genetics,
  Hematology, and

Joseph L. Goldstein
Mark T. Groudine
Tony Hunter
Philip W. Majerus
David C. Page
Craig B. Thompson
Inder M. Verma

Medical Physiology
   and Metabolism

Michael S. Brown
Charles A. Dinarello
Robert J. Lefkowitz
Salvador Moncada
Microbial Biology
John M. Coffin
R. John Collier
Emil C. Gotschlich
E. Peter Greenberg
Diane E. Griffin
Peter M. Howley
Elliott D. Kieff
Robert A. Lamb
Peter Palese
Thomas E. Shenk
Thomas J. Silhavy
Thomas E. Wellems

Anthony Leggett
Paul C. Martin
José N. Onuchic

Physiology and

Richard W. Aldrich
Susan G. Amara
David Julius
Arthur Karlin
Ramón Latorre

Plant Biology
David Baulcombe
Anthony R. Cashmore
Maarten J. Chrispeels
Enrico Coen
Jeffery L. Dangl
Joseph R. Ecker
Robert Haselkorn
June B. Nasrallah

Plant, Soil, and
  Microbial Sciences

Roger N. Beachy
Brian J. Staskawicz
M. S. Swaminathan

Dale Purves
Edward E. Smith

Social and Political

Alejandro Portes
Brian Skyrms

Sustainability Science
Barry R. Bloom
William C. Clark
Partha Sarathi Dasgupta
Robert W. Kates
Pamela A. Matson
Elinor Ostrom
Hans Joachim Schellnhuber

Systems Biology
Marc W. Kirschner

Systems Neuroscience
Robert Desimone
Fred H. Gage
Charles D. Gilbert
Marcus E. Raichle
Larry R. Squire
Leslie G. Ungerleider

  A PDF list of Editorial Board members is posted on the current issue Table of Contents. Click on the [Masthead (PDF)] link.
