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Health Economics Logo

Health Economics Information Resources: A Self-Study Course

Module 3: Identification and Retrieval of Published Health Economic Evaluation Studies

Retrieving economic evaluation studies from MEDLINE

MEDLINE is an important source of citations for economic evaluation studies; however, when retrieving citations please keep this consideration in mind.

MeSH uses the broader terms 'cost-benefit analysis' and 'costs and cost analysis' to index ALL types of economic evaluation studies - not just cost-benefit studies - and does not differentiate between the different types of economic evaluation methodologies.

For retrieval purposes, one should be aware of MeSH terms and indexing policies and consider using free text terms when trying to narrow retrieval to specific economic evaluation methodologies; e.g., cost-minimization. Be also aware of British spellings of terms, e.g., cost-minimisation.


The following is the relevant portion of the MeSH tree for economic evaluation. Use these terms in formulating your searches.

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Last reviewed: 22 July 2008
Last updated: 22 July 2008
First published: 05 December 2003
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanent: Dynamic Content