IndexCat -- Author Name Repeats in Lists

Question:  When I search authors, sometimes I see the same name repeated 2 or 3 times in Results, View Relationships or Browse lists. What does this mean?

When an author writes as an individual author, a joint or co-author, and other authors write about them as a subject, Index-Catalogue repeats the name for each category and arranges the works in this order:

  1. Author Name and Titles written as an individual
  2. Author as Subject (biography, commentary, memorial lectures, etc.)
    Subject Name lists with a sub-list that includes author of work, title and other bibliographic information.
  3. Author’s Name with Joint Author(s) Name(s). Title and other information

Not every category exists for all multiple names. At this time, it is necessary to browse each list to determine the category type.

See entry in Series 2 for: Huxley, Thomas Henry

20704911260 Huxley, (Thomas Henry ) [ 1825-95 ]. (as individual author)
20704921220 Huxley, (Thomas Henry ) [ 1825-95 ]. (as subject)
20704921310 Huxley, (Thomas Henry ) [ 1825-95 ] (as joint or co-author)

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Last reviewed: 07 May 2009
Last updated: 28 January 2008
First published: 11 March 2005
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed