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Science Topics

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Earth characteristics
The measurable, definable properties and features of the earth.
Atmospheric properties (11 items)
Earth structure (13 items)
Geologic history (33 items)
Geologic structure (27 items)
Gravitational field (earth) (11 items)
Land surface characteristics (30 items)
Magnetic field (earth) (16 items)
Ocean characteristics (53 items)
Rocks and deposits (57 items)
Snow and ice cover (19 items)
Stratigraphic sections (23 items)
Topography (53 items)
Earth material properties (5 items)
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Results 21 - 30 of 239 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Aquatic features, bathymetry, and navigation structures in the upper Mississippi River [New Window]
Geospatial hydrologic and reference data covering the upper Mississippi River, provided in formats appropriate to geographic information systems (GIS) and used in long-term resource monitoring of the area.
Aquifer basics [New Window]
Links to general information on water supply by aquifers based on rock types and to principal national aquifers by name.
Asbestos: geology, mineralogy, mining, and uses [New Window]
Report on asbestos, six types of mineral fibers belonging to two mineral groups, serpentines and amphiboles,with fiber morphology, crystal structure, analytical methods, properties, mining, milling, uses, and safety factors.(PDF file,28 pp.,4.5 MB)
Assessing the impacts of climate variability and change on the Nation's resources [New Window]
Site for a USGS project under the U.S. Global Change Research Program for a national assessment of the impacts of climate variability and change on resources with links to impacts in Alaska, western U.S., public lands, and water resources.
Atlantic margin offshore sediments: cooperative database and GIS development website [New Window]
This site is designed to provide information on federal interagency and cooperative developments related to coastal sand and gravel resources and management issues along the Atlantic continental margin.
Atlas of Antarctic research [New Window]
Entry to the Atlas of Antarctic Research giving a common base map for displaying research results, data, and descriptions of projects. Layers can be viewed or downloaded as Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), digital aerial photos, and satellite images.
Availability of USGS geospatial data and aerial photography products [New Window]
Website to search and locate United States digital cartographic data (U.S. GeoData and Digital Raster Graphics) and aerial photography of the National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP). Files can be downloaded in HTML or PDF format.
BRASS: Bedrock Regional Aquifer Systematics Study [New Window]
Description of the project to publish new bedrock geologic maps in the United States to advance the understanding of the region's bedrock aquifers. Includes list of projects.
Bedform sedimentology [New Window]
Bedform sedimentology home page with links to information on sedimentary structures including, explanatory text, computer-generated images and movies, photographs, and bedform simulation software.
Bedrock and soil geochemistry from Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota [New Window]
Maps and text (Word or PDF format) and database (Excel or HTML format) for bedrock, forest floor, and mineral soil sampling in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota to establish the background and baseline geochemistry and terrestrial mercury sources.
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