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Paleocene Coal Basins


A multidisciplinary team of specialists compiled available data and collected new information to produce a series of models of coal basins that formed during the Paleocene Epoch from about 65 million to 55 million years ago. The purposes of the study are to explain the environments of deposition, and the distribution, rank, and concentrations of contaminants in Paleocene coals. HAPs have been an important consideration because of anticipated implementation of the 1990 amendments to the Clean Air Act. This study required participation by a wide variety of specialists in order to understand the complex origin and quality of the coals, and the evolution of Paleocene coal basins in the Rocky Mountains and in the Northern Great Plains regions.

The team developed models locating coal resources considering their thickness, areal extent, distribution, and composition. The team also developed models which explain the known distribution of sulfur, ash, rank, and chemical contaminants in the coals, These models allow for the prediction of the distribution of contaminants in coal deposits. Knowledge of this kind is key to knowing where high-quality coals can be found.

For more information, please contact: Romeo Flores

For a copy of this poster, please send a written request to:
USGS Energy Resources Program
915 National Center
Reston, VA 20192

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