Spotlight On

What You Need to Know

Deadline for Top 10 Seniors is Nearing

Partial Garage Closure Due to Construction

UTEP Students Hoping for College Tuition Freeze

Lighting the Way for a Healthier Future

Art is Under Control at UTEP

Latest Scholarship Opportunities

Students to get Credits by Studying Abroad

Semesters abroad can be an option for students who want to travel while getting some credit hours...[more]

Rick Perry Proposes Tuition Freeze for 4–Year Students

"Let's work together to make college accessible and affordable for more qualified, motivated students than ever before"...[more]

UTEP Could Compete for Tier–1 Status

But even the best outcome for El Paso may not be what UTEP supporters had originally intended...[more]

UTEP Prepares Mexican Nurses for U.S. Accreditation

The University of Texas at El Paso is offering a program to prepare Mexican nurses for accreditation in the United States...[more]

Radar Research Can Track High Speed Targets, Missiles

UTEP Engineering Professor Dr. Benjamin Flores is performing cutting edge research...[more]

UTEP Administrator Takes Job in Massachusetts

Frank Hoy, director of the University of Texas at El Paso's entrepreneurial centers, will leave the university at the end of the school year...[more]

Superan en nivel educativo residentes de EU nacidos en el exterior a los nativos

Un reporte reciente del Buró del Censo de Estados Unidos dio a conocer que un mayor número de residentes nacidos en otros países concretó un nivel educativo de maestría o doctorado que aquellos nacidos en este país..[more]

Inside UTEP

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