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Monitoring Populations of Sage-Grouse: Proceedings of a Symposium at Idaho State University Hosted by University of Idaho and Idaho State University

The greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) and the Gunnison sage-grouse (C. minimus) are species of concern because of their population declines and shrinking geographic distributions. Of continuing interest is the question of population abundance and trends. This publication answers the questions that deal with sage-grouse population, More...

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CCMA: National Status & Trends Program

This website is the entry point to data for the Mussel Watch, Bioeffects, and Benthic Surveillance programs. This resource links to the National Status & Trends Program fact sheet (pdf), and several projects including Mussel Watch, Benthic Surveillance, and Bioeffects Assessment. Users can also get general information about the Center for More...

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Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Breeding Site and Territory Summary (2006)

The Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) is an endangered bird that breeds only in dense riparian habitats in six southwestern states (southern California, extreme southern Nevada, southern Utah, southwestern Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico). This report synthesizes information on all known Southwestern Willow Flycatcher More...

  • Willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii)

Monitoring black-footed ferrets during reestablishment of free-ranging populations: Discussion of alternative methods and recommended minimum standards

Although the monitoring of black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) populations following reintroductions has not been haphazard, several ferret recovery groups since 1994 have recommended development of uniform standards prescribing minimum methods, intensities, and frequencies of monitoring that would provide data on population size, mortality More...

  • black footed ferret publication

Sea Otter Mortality

Recent increases in the frequency and variety of infectious diseases in the southern sea otter may jeopardize the population recovery of this threatened species. This information sheet includes a list of selected publications.

  • sea otter with its head poking out of the ocean

Protocols for Drawing Blood from the Brachial Plexus of Desert Tortoises

Instructions for ordering equipment and culture media; summary of how to draw blood and conduct nasal lavages; and information on how to contract for laboratory analysis and ship laboratory samples.

  • Desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)

Diamondback Terrapin in the Chesapeake Bay

Summary of Patuxent Wildlife Research Center's progress to assess the status of Northern diamondback terrapins in the Chesapeake Bay. PWRC's objectives included providing "information on current habitat type and activities of the diamondback terrapin," and evaluating "the genetic relatedness, levels of gene flow and degree of isolation of More...

  • Diamondback terrapin

Fisheries Investigations for Lost River and Shortnose Suckers in Upper Klamath Lake

The value of this long-term monitoring program will provide data crucial for understanding demographic and reproductive characteristics of these endangered sucker populations. This research will have wide applicability to federal, state, and tribal agencies in the basin for management and recovery efforts.

  • Biologist holding female Lost River sucker (Deltistes luxatus)

Fish Passage through Dams in Large Temperate Floodplain Rivers: An Annotated Bibliography

This report describes an electronic database containing 474 annotated citations that are relevant to fish passage through dams in large temperate floodplain rivers. The goal of this project was to survey the literature to help define the potential ecological consequences of restricted fish passage through dams in the Upper Mississippi River System More...

  • Upper Mississippi River dam

Salvaging Injured, Recently Dead, Ill, and Dying Wild, Free-Roaming Desert Tortoises (Gopherus Agassizii)

Salvage of injured, recently dead, ill, and dying desert tortoises is a very important part of recovery programs for these reptiles. Salvaged desert tortoises can provide a wealth of information about such subjects as health, disease, presence of heavy metals and other toxicants, and causes of mortality in populations. When tortoises are salvaged More...

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Bioaccumulation and Effects of PCBs on Tree Swallows Nesting along the Housatonic River, Massachusetts

Research at the Upper Midwest Environmental Center, which gathered detailed observations on tree swallow nesting success and contaminant concentrations in 1998-2000, to guide EPA and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in effectively managing the risk of chemical contaminants to wildlife and the environment.

  • Warning sign near the Housatonic River

Protocols Evaluation Program (Lee's Ferry Trout PEP) Final Report of the Lee's Ferry Rainbow Trout Monitoring Peer Review Panel

Lees Ferry was stocked with Rainbow Trout in the early 1960`s. Since then, it has been a nationally acclaimed and world renowned blue ribbon fishery. With its value as a recreational play land for fishermen and safe haven for wildlife, the function and impact of the Glen Canyon Dam has become increasingly important for study and monitoring.

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