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Engineering sciences
Sciences involved in the application of scientific and mathematical principles to construction, machinery, mechanical design, mining and manufacturing processes and other practical activities.
Engineering geology (7 items)
Hydraulic engineering (7 items)

Engineering seismology (1 items)
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Results 1 - 14 of 14 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Central California /San Francisco Bay Earthquake Hazards Project [New Window]
Information on earthquakes in central California and the San Francisco region with links to four types of field studies, deep seismic investigations, geotechnical investigations, shallow seismic imaging, and airborne geophysical surveys.
Impounded river systems [New Window]
Article from Status and Trends of the Nation's Biological Resources on the serious impacts to river systems due to damming and flow regulation, and rehabilitation, monitoring, and research on such rivers.
Landslide Hazards Program [New Window]
Research program designed to improve understanding of the causes of ground failure so that the hazards associated with landslides can be mitigated or avoided.
Landslides research [New Window]
Description of research projects in progress to make accurate landslide hazard maps and forecasts of landslide occurrences.
Mass Wasting Following the 2002 Missionary Ridge Fire near Durango, Colorado, a Field Trip Guidebook [New Window]
Guidebook with photos, maps, and diagrams explaining how forest fires have affected the likelihood of mass wasting, with discussions of steps taken to minimize future impacts.
National Landslide Information Center [New Window]
National Landslide Information Center links to general information, teacher/student information, recent landslide events, state and local information, current projects, fire-related landslides, and images and publications on landslides.
National bridge scour database [New Window]
Database with detailed data on sites and data collected on scour (downward erosion by streamflow) at bridges, piers, and abutments in the United States.
Restoration Technologies Branch, Leetown Science Center [New Window]
The Restoration Technologies Branch (RT) responds to client needs for bioengineering research/technical assistance in reducing pollution. Current projects are on hydropower generation, control of exotic species, and acid mine drainage.
Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group (SMIG) [New Window]
The USGS Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group (SMIG) is interested in surface-water quality and flow modeling activities with links to articles, model archives, data archives, clearinghouse, mailing list, classes, and meetings.
Taming of a wild research well in Yellowstone National Park during November 1992 [New Window]
A valve failed in a research well, causing an uncontrolled eruption of steam and hot water. Video program shows technical problems encountered in controlling and capping the well.
Technology Enterprise Office information [New Window]
The Technology Enterprise Office provides a link between research teams within USGS and private sector individuals or organizations interested in access to USGS technology through patent licensing, CRADAs or other cooperative arrangements.
PDF The landslide handbook -- A guide to understanding landslides [New Window]
Basic information for homeowners, communities, emergency managers, and decisionmakers. Includes sections on landslide types, evaluation tools, and mitigation techniques.
Water resources of Michigan - restoring natural flow regimes [New Window]
Links to descriptions, maps, photos, and reports of projects related to studies of the effects of dams and flow regulation in watersheds altered by humans in the state of Michigan including Muskegon and Kalamazoo Rivers and the Seney refuge.
Water resources of Virginia - small basin runoff [New Window]
Overview of a project to evaluate existing methods used by Virginia Dept. of Transportation to estimate flood hydrographs from small drainage basins, and evaluate the use of dimensionless hydrographs to estimate runoff volumes.

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