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Why Not Explore Trans-NIH Initiatives?

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Why Not Explore Trans-NIH Initiatives?

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Dr. Alicia Dombroski, Director, DEA, NIDCR
Dr. Pamela McInnes, Director DER, NIDCR
Dr. Kevin Hardwick, Chief, Research Training and Career Development Branch, NIDCR
Dr. Dr. Renée Joskow, Dental Officer, NCRR
Dr. Emily Harris, Chief Translational Genomics Research Branch, NIDCR

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Session Outline

1) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Opportunities
2) NIH Office of the Director (OD) Programs
3) Other Trans-NIH Programs
4) New Principal Investigator/Early Stage Investigator Policies

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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) - Impact of Economic Stimulus on NIH

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One Hundred Eleventh Congress of the United States of America
At the First Session

Begun and held at the City of Washington on Tuesday, the sixth day of January, two thousand and nine

An Act
Making supplement appropriations for job preservation and creation, infrastructure, investment, energy efficiency and science, assistance to the unemployed, and State and local fiscal stabilization, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
Section 1. Short Title.
This Act may be cited as the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.”

NIDCR is grateful to President Obama and Congress for the opportunity for NIDCR to play its part in improving the Nation’s health and economy

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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Opportunities Overview

Fund the best science while stimulating the economy

  • Recovery Act provides NIH with $10.4 billion for 2 years
  • $8.2 billion to support scientific research priorities
  • $7.4 billion transferred to Institutes and Centers, and the Common Fund (CF)
  • $800 million to OD, not including CF

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  • $1 billion for Construction, Repairs and Alterations
  • $300 million for Shared Instrumentation
  • $500 million for NIH buildings and facilities
  • $400 million for Comparative Effectiveness Research

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Investment in Scientific Research and Facilities:
Support for the construction of new research and educational facilities as well as groundbreaking scientific research that will improve the health of the nation.

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Funding Impact

  • Stimulate the economy
  • Create and preserve jobs
  • Advance biomedical research

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Scientific Research Approach

  • Stimulate and accelerate biomedical research with existing mechanisms
    • Funding additional meritorious RO1s, R21s and R03s that have been peer reviewed and approved by IC Councils
    • Administrative supplements to accelerate ongoing research
  • Expand science with new programs
    • Revisions to extant programs (“Competitive supplements”)
    • New ARRA NIH-wide programs
    • New ARRA IC-specific programs

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Opportunities Available

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New ARRA NIH-wide Programs

  • Challenge Grants
  • Grand Opportunities (“GO” Grants)
  • Recruit new faculty to conduct research
  • Provide summer jobs for high school / college students and teachers to work in science labs
  • AREA (R15) Grants
  • Supplements

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Challenge Grants

  • At least $200M total to address priority avenues of research

    Links to High Priority Topics Within Broad Challenge Areas (PDF - 556 KB):

    (01)  Behavior, Behavioral Change, and Prevention
    (02)  Bioethics
    (03)  Biomarker Discovery and Validation
    (04)  Clinical Research
    (05)  Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER)
    (06)  Enabling Technologies
    (07)  Enhancing Clinical Trials
    (08)  Genomics
    (09)  Health Disparities
    (10)  Information Technology for Processing Health Care Data
    (11)  Regenerative Medicine
    (12)  Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education (STEM)
    (13)  Smart Biomaterials – Theranostics
    (14)  Stem Cells
    (15)  Translational Science

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Challenge Grants

  • Up to $500K total costs/year for up to two years
  • 45 Topics identified by NIDCR
  • 10 are high priority *
  • April 27, 2009 receipt date
  • CSR cluster review

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Grand Opportunity Grants

  • Grand Opportunity (GO) Grants (at least $200M total):
    • High impact
    • Well defined
    • Large scale

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“GO” Grants

8 Topics identified by NIDCR

1. Testing Mechanisms of Action Hypotheses in Behavioral and/or Social Interventions

2. Treatment of Tobacco and Drug Dependence in Multiple Dental Clinics

3. Validation of Biomarkers of Oral Diseases or Salivary Biomarkers

4. Detection of Oral Premalignant and Malignant Lesions

5. Genome-wide studies in Craniofacial, Dental and Oral Conditions: Data Generation, Analysis and Integration

6. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Craniofacial Regeneration and Preclinical Testing

7. Oral Cancer Genome Analysis

8. Human Pain Phenotypes and Pain Circuitry

  • April 27, 2009 letter of intent receipt date
  • May 27, 2009 receipt date
  • IC peer review

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Administrative Supplements

  • NIDCR Strategic Plan 2009-2013
  • List of interests on NIDCR website
  • Priority to requests under $100,000
  • Receipt date June 1, 2009
  • Eligible: All mechanisms except Fs, T32, L30/40, R13/U13, R25
  • Up to $12M to the ARRA supplement program – 65% to the Collaborative Sciences Program

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Administrative Supplements for Collaborative Science

  • Enable NIDCR-funded investigators to form new collaborations to promote the discovery of novel insights required to achieve significant research advances.
  • Must be within scope of the approved aims of the parent award.
  • Existing collaborations not eligible.
  • Up to $120,000 total direct annual costs for the first collaboration. An additional $60,000 for a second collaborating group.
  • Term is up to duration of the grant.
  • Eligible: R01, R15, R37, P01, P50, R42, R44, U01, U19, U54

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Competing Revisions

  • To support a significant expansion of the scope of approved and funded research.
  • Requests must be consistent with the goals of the Recovery Act.
  • Up to $10M to the Competing Revision program.
  • Eligible: All mechanisms except Fs, Ks, T32, L30/40, R13/U13, R25

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Summer Jobs in Research for Students and Teachers

  • Engage students and educators in research
  • Encourage students to pursue research careers
  • Provide summer internships at NIH-funded laboratories for science teachers

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ARRA Summer Student Supplements

  • Notice OD-09-060
  • To further science of parent research grant
  • High school and undergrad students
  • High school, community college teachers, faculty from non-research intensive universities
  • Dental students allowed
  • NOT substitute for T35/T32 summer training program
  • No post-docs

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New Faculty

  • Core Centers for Enhancing Research Capacity in U.S. Academic Institutions
    • Newly trained scientists
    • Start-up packages
    • Pilot research projects

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Supporting New Faculty Recruitment to Enhance Research Resources through Biomedical Research Core Centers (P30)

  • RFA OD-09-005
  • Develop a Center for conducting research in a specific scientific topic or problem
  • Recruit and hire new tenure-track research faculty to develop and conduct this research
  • “awards will be directed towards hiring investigators and providing appropriate start-up research resources (e.g., research salary, equipment, and supplies for initiating their research) that will help strengthen or expand the scientific capacity of the Biomedical Research Core Center.”

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Core Center:
defined scientific/research purpose

New independent tenure-track faculty hired and appointed to the Core Center to develop and conduct research projects which fit the purpose/mission of the Center.

  • Salary (75% protected research effort)
  • Start-up package
  • Funds for research resources  

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NIH P30: Supporting New Faculty Development to Enhance Research Productivity through Biomedical Research Core Centers

  • $500,000 per year for two years (direct costs)
    • Salary
    • Start-up costs, including supplies, equipment and support for technical personnel
    • Research costs to conduct projects within scientific mission of Center
  • Joint appointment, with at least 75% protected research time
  • Priority given to applications offering commitment beyond the 2-year duration of the grant

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NIH P30:  Supporting New Faculty Development To Enhance Research Productivity through Biomedical Research Core Centers

New faculty hired through P30

  • Appointed to independent tenure-track (or equivalent) research position at the Assistant Professor level with at least 75% protected research time
  • New to the faculty and not previously held a tenure-track research appointment
  • Record of research training and career development in a research area relevant to the primary mission of the Core Center

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NIH P30:  Supporting New Faculty Development To Enhance Research Productivity through Biomedical Research Core Centers

New faculty hired through P30

  • Receive joint appointment(s) with other academic unit(s) at the institution, allowing access to University-wide research resources and core facilities, and to serve as mentors for graduate programs affiliated with other academic unit(s)
  • Receive a start-up package, including supplies, equipment and support for technical personnel

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National Center for Research Resources (NCRR)
NCRR Initiatives

Renée W. Joskow, D.D.S., M.P.H., FAGD
CAPT, U.S. Public Health Service
Dental Officer (Research)
Division for Clinical Research Resources
National Center for Research Resources

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NCRR will administer more than $1.6 billion in federal grants in the following areas:

  • $1 billion for construction, repair and renovation of research facilities
  • $300 million for shared instrumentation and other capital research equipment
  • Up to $310 million in support of biomedical research priorities

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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
(ARRA or Recovery Act) of 2009

Four related Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) have been released in response to the Recovery Act

  • Two for instrumentation
    •  PAR-09-028 Shared Instrumentation (SIG Program)
    •  PAR-09-118 High End Instrumentation (HEI Program)
  • Two that allow alterations and repairs
    •  RFA-RR-09-008 (supports construction, renovation and repair improvement projects; C06 mechanism)
    •  RFA-RR-09-007 (supports core facilities improvement projects; G20 mechanism)

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Shared and High-End Instrumentation Program (S10): Overview

  • Unique and critical NIH mechanisms
  • Provide funding in cost-range from $100k to $8.0M
    • SIG Program (funding range $100k to $500k) - PAR-09-028
    • HEI Program (funding range $600k to $8.0M) - PAR-09-118
  •  Equipment which is too costly to obtain with regular NIH research grants
  • Highly cost-effective mechanisms
  • Instruments placed in core facilities
  • Shared by an average of 8-10 grantees

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High End Instrumentation (S10)

  • Program Announcement:  PAR-09-118
  • Notice update: NOT-RR-09-008
  • Single major item of equipment
  • $600k – $8.0 Million
    Deadline May 6, 2009
  • One Year
  • No limit on number of applications
  • 3 or more NIH-funded users
  • Approximately $160 Million in FY2010
  • Two levels of review

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Extramural Research Facilities Improvement Program (C06)

  • To construct, renovate or repair biomedical or behavioral research extramural facilities.
  • Provides $2 – 15M for direct costs that improve non-federal basic and clinical research support
    • No more than 3 applications per institution
    • Project period not to exceed 5 years

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Extramural Research Facilities (C06)

What are the application deadlines?

  • The receipt date of May 6, 2009, is for projects between $2 million and $5 million.
  • The receipt date of June 17, 2009, is for projects between $10 million and $15 million.
  • The receipt date of July 17, 2009, is for projects between $5 million and $10 million.

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Core Facility Renovation, Repair and Improvement (G20)

  • To renovate or repair extramural core facilities to support biomedical and/or behavioral research, funded by the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS)
    • A core facility is defined as a centralized shared resource that provides access to instruments or technologies or services, as well as expert consultation to NIH-funded investigators.
    • Deadline for applications is Sept. 17, 2009
    • Budgets between $1 million and $10 million may be requested
    • No more than 2 applications per institution

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Comparison of G20 and C06 RFAs

The RFA-RR-09-007 (Core facilities) will use the G20 mechanism, with a budget of $1-10 million per application (direct cost only).  There can be no more than 2 applications submitted per institution.  The type of equipment allowed will be both general purpose and fixed with maximum of $100K for specialized equipment.  The RFA-RR-09-008 (Construction, etc.) will use the C06 mechanism, with a budget of $2-15 million per application (direct cost only). There can be no more than 3 applications submitted per institution.  The type of equipment allowed:  not applicable.  *An institution is defined as an organization with a separate IPF code identifier.

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Comparison of G20 and C06 RFAs (II)

The RFA-RR-09-007 (Core facilities) will not allow new construction or completion of shell space.  The receipt date is September 17, 2009, and the award date is July 2010.  Green technology and design approaches and creation/retention of American jobs are encouraged.  The RFA-RR-09-008 (Construction, etc.) will allow new construction or completion of shell space.  The receipt dates are May 6, 2009 ($2-5 million), June 17, 2009 ($10-15 million) and July 17, 2009 ($5-10 million) and the award dates are December 2009 and April 2010.  Green technology and design approaches and creation/retention of American jobs are encouraged.

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ARRA/Recovery Act Construction Programs

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NCRR Challenge Grants

  • Bioethics
    • 02-RR-101* Recontact Issues in Genotype and Genome-Wide Association Studies
    • 02-OD(OSP)-103* Ethical Issues Associated with Electronic Sharing of Health Information
  • Comparative Effectiveness Research
    • 05-RR-101* Build CER Capacity Through Education
    • 05-RR-102* Support Pilot CER Projects in Community Settings
  • Enabling Technologies
    • 06-RR-101* Virtual environments for Multidisciplinary and Translational Research
    • 06-RR-102* Infrastructure for Biomedical Knowledge Discovery

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NCRR Challenge Grants (II)

  • Information Technology for Utilizing Health Care Data Research
    • 10-RR-101* Information Technology Demonstration Projects Facilitating Secondary Use of Healthcare Data for Research
  • Translational Science
    • 15-RR-101* Applied Translational Technology Development
    • 15-RR-102 Develop a Nationwide Electronic Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) Database System

The application due date is April 27, 2009

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Competitive Revision Applications

  • Investigators and U.S. institutions and organizations with active NIH funded investigator-initiated awards (R01, R33, R37, R21, U01) reviewed by the Center for Scientific Review (CSR) to leverage the resources, expertise, and infrastructure of the NCRR centers and center-like programs through significant expansion of the scope or research protocol of approved and funded projects.
  • Deadlines are: April 21, 2009 or July 10, 2009

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Centers and Center-like Programs

  • Animal and Biological Material Resources
  • Biomedical Technology Research Centers
  • Clinical and Translational Science Awards
  • General Clinical Research Centers
  • Institutional Development Award
  • National Primate Research Centers
  • Research Centers in Minority Institutions
  • Science Education Partnership Awards

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Administrative Supplements for NCRR Awards

  • Investigators and U.S. institutions or organizations with active NIH research grants may request administrative supplements for the purpose of accelerating the tempo of scientific research on active grants.
  • The NCRR administrative supplement application due date is May 18, 2009
  • Can apply for up to two years of support

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Administrative Supplement Priorities

  • Administrative Supplements to Advance Translational (T1 & T2) Research
  • Administrative Supplements for the CTSA Consortium Strategic Goals
  • Administrative Supplements for Enhancing NCRR Pilot Project Mechanism
  • Administrative Supplements for Collaborative Community Engagement Research
  • Administrative Supplements for Research Workforce Development and Dissemination
  • Administrative Supplements for Science Education and Dissemination

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Estimated Proportions of NCRR ARRA Funding
for Administrative Supplements

NCRR plans to utilize the majority of ARRA funding to Advance Translational (T1 and T2) Research.  Smaller proportions will go towards enhancing the NCRR Pilot Project Mechanism, Collaborative Community Engagement Research, CTSA Consortium Strategic Goals, Research Workforce Development and Dissemination, and Science Education and Dissemination.

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NCRR Funding Opportunities

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Renée W. Joskow, D.D.S., M.P.H., FAGD
CAPT, U.S. Public Health Service
Dental Officer (Research)
Division for Clinical Research Resources
National Center for Research Resources

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  • Stimulating the economy
  • Creating and preserving jobs
  • Advancing biomedical research
  • Improving people’s health

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NIH Office of the Director Programs:
"The NIH Common Fund"

  • Codified into law by 2006 NIH Reform Act
  • Purpose: to support cross-cutting, trans-NIH programs that require participation by at least two NIH Institutes or Centers
  • Typically involves initiatives (RFAs and policy changes) developed by multiple NIH Institutes or Centers
  • Centerpiece is NIH Roadmap for Medical Research

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Main Goals of the NIH Roadmap:

  • Foster high-risk/high-reward research
  • Enable the development of transformative tools and methodologies
  • Fill fundamental knowledge gaps
  • Change academic culture to foster collaboration

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Example Initiatives from the NIH Roadmap:

  • Roadmap Transformative R01 Program
  • NIH Director’s Pioneer and New Innovator Programs (DP1 and DP2)
  • Multiple Principal Investigator Policy Change
  • Clinical and Translational Science Awards

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High-Risk/High-Reward Research:

1) Transformative R01 (T-R01) Program

  • “exceptionally innovative, high risk, original and/or unconventional research with the potential to create new or challenge existing scientific paradigms. Projects must clearly demonstrate potential to produce a major impact in a broad area of biomedical or behavioral research”
    • Human behavior change
    • 3-dimensional tissue models
    • Transitions from acute to chronic pain
  • Due Jan 29, 2009; $25 million for up to 60 projects

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High-Risk/High-Reward Research:

2) NIH Director’s Pioneer Award (DP1)

  • Purpose: to support individual scientists of exceptional creativity at any career stage who propose pioneering/transforming approaches to major challenges in biomedical and behavioral research
    • “pioneering” = highly innovative approaches that have the potential to produce an unusually high impact on a broad area of biomedical or behavioral research; substantially different from those already being pursued in the investigator’s laboratory or elsewhere
  • Pre-application due Dec 17, 2008; $5 million for up to 10 projects

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High-Risk/High-Reward Research:

3) NIH Director’s New Innovator Award (DP2)

  • Purpose: to support individual scientists with exceptionally innovative research ideas at early stages of their careers, but without the preliminary data required to fare well in the traditional NIH peer review system
  • Pre-application due Dec 15, 2008; $55.7 million for up to 24 projects

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Change Academic Culture to Foster Collaborations:

1) Multiple Principal Investigator Policy Change

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Change Academic Culture to Foster Collaborations:

2) Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA)

  • Purpose: to create a multidisciplinary academic home with research resources for new and established investigators, with the goal of fostering research and collaborations that lead to improvements in patient care
  • Letters of intent due September 14, 2009;
    Applications due October 14, 2009
  • $20 million for up to 4 awards

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The future directions of the NIH Roadmap are uncertain, BUT…

Across all of NIH, announcements are calling for creative, innovative, transforming, paradigm-shifting research, and…

In general, science is becoming more team-oriented, crossing disciplinary boundaries, and…

Each field needs to make opportunities for new investigators in order to keep growing, so…

It’s likely that creative team science approaches, for new and established investigators, will continue to be reflected in NIH Roadmap initiatives

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Other Trans-NIH Activities

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Genes, Environment, and Health Initiative (GEI)

  • Supports research that will lead to understanding genetic contributions and gene-environment interactions in common disease
  • Announced in February 2006
  • 4-year program, with funding for FY07 through FY10
  • Supported by additional funds ($40M/year) allocated to NIH by Congress

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Genes, Environment and Health Initiative (GEI)

The Exposure Biology Program of the GEI Initiative, which is developing technology and biomarkers, intersects with the Genetics Program, which is identifying human genetic variants, to determine genetic and environmental roots of common diseases.

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GEI Genetics

  • Identifying and characterizing potential genetic variants
    • Genome-wide association studies
    • Replication and fine-mapping studies
    • Functional studies
    • Systems biology approaches
  • Statistical methods development
  • Translational research 

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Genome-wide Association Studies

Primary outcomes:

  • Addiction
  • Blood clots in the veins
  • Blood pressure
  • Birth weight & maternal metabolism
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Dental caries
  • Glaucoma
  • Lung cancer
  • Oral clefts
  • Preterm birth
  • Prostate cancer
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes

Shared exposures across studies:

  • Tobacco Use
  • Alcohol Use

GEI funding: RFAs HG-06-014, HG-06-032, HG-06-033, HG-07-012

Additional funding: NHLBI, NIAAA, NIDA, NIDCR

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GEI Exposure Biology

  • Environmental stressor monitoring
    • Sensor technologies for environmental exposure assessment
    • Improved measures of diet and physical activity
    • Tools for measuring exposure to psychosocial stress and addictive substances
  • Biologic response indicators
    • Biomarkers and biosensors that reflect alterations in key physiologic pathways after exposure to environmental stressors

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NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research

  • Framework to enhance cooperative activities across NIH that support research on the nervous system
  • Confronts challenges too large for any single NIH Institute or Center
  • Develops research tools and infrastructure that serve the entire neuroscience community

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NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research

The NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research is a cooperative effort among the 16 NIH Institutes, Centers and Offices that support neuroscience research.  By pooling resources and expertise, the Blueprint supports the development of new tools, training opportunities, and other resources to assist neuroscientists in both basic and clinical research. 

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Blueprint Thematic Initiatives

  • Neurodegeneration
    • Developing research tools, resources, and training activities to accelerate progress
  • Neurodevelopment
    • Creating, expanding and distributing tools and resources
    • Implementing guidelines for advancing model systems of neurodevelopmen
  • Neuroplasticity
    • Developing new tools to monitor and manipulate nervous system plasticity

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Recent Blueprint Activities

  • NIH Neuroscience Microarray Consortium
  • Gene Expression Nervous System Atlas
  • NIH Toolbox for Assessment of Neurological and Behavioral Function
  • Recombinase-Expressing Mouse Lines
  • Mouse Archiving and Central Distribution

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Exceptional, Unconventional Research Enabling Knowledge Acceleration (EUREKA)

  • Fund exceptionally innovative research that, if successful, will have an unusually high impact
  • Targets investigators: testing novel, unconventional hypotheses; or pursuing major methodological or technical challenges
  • Potential impact of the proposed research substantial: size of the scientific community affected; and the magnitude of the effect on the community

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New Principal Investigator/Early Stage Investigator Policies

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  • NIH has strong commitment to support New Investigators
  •  Average age of first R01:  37 in 1980, 42 in 2005
  •  2009 new policy to identify Early Stage Investigators
  • Applications from ESIs given special consideration at peer review and for funding

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New Investigator- has not previously competed successfully as a PD/PI for a significant NIH
independent research award.  Exclusions – R00, R03, R15, R21, R34, R36, R42, R43, R55, R56,
SC2, SC3, Fs, Ks, Ls, Gs, Ss.

Early Stage Investigator (ESI)- PD/PI who qualifies as a New Investigator and is within 10 years of
completing terminal research degree or medical residency (or equivalent).

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  • New Investigators should update eRA Commons profiles
    • degree date information
    • residency completion date information
    • notified by email if eligible
  • Multi-PI grants--all PIs must be ESIs for the application to be given the ESI designation
  • FY2009 NIH expects to fund New Investigators at success rates equivalent to established investigators
  • The majority of New PIs supported in 2009 will also be ESIs
  • NIH encourages New PIs and ESIs to apply for R01s

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Requesting an Extension of the ESI Period

  • lapse in research/training or periods of part-time effort
  • reasons may include medical concerns, disability, family care responsibilities, extended periods of clinical training, natural disasters, active duty military service

This page last updated: April 09, 2009