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National Wildlife Refuge System
Updated Environmental Assessments for 26 National Wildlife Refuges

In response to a 2003 lawsuit filed by the Fund for Animals, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has amended or rewritten the environmental assessments that describe hunting programs at twenty-six national wildlife refuges located in the Southeast Region. The new environmental assessments will address the cumulative impacts of hunting at all refuges which were named in or otherwise affected by the lawsuit. Each refuge's environmental assessment is provided below.

Bayou Cocodrie NWR, LA

Bayou Teche NWR, LA

Big Branch Marsh, LA

Black Bayou Lake NWR, LA

Bond Swamp NWR, GA

Cahaba River NWR, AL

Cat Island NWR, LA

Catahoula NWR, LA

Clarks River NWR, KY

Cross Creeks NWR, TN

Currituck NWR, NC

Grand Bay NWR, MS

Grand Cote NWR, LA

Key Cave NWR, AL

Mackay Island NWR, NC

Mandalay NWR, LA

Mountain Longleaf NWR, AL

Okefenokee NWR, GA

Red River NWR, LA

Savannah NWR, GA

Ten Thousand Islands NWR, FL

Tennessee NWR, TN

Tensas River NWR, LA

Upper Ouachita NWR, LA

Waccamaw NWR, SC

Wapanocca NWR, AR


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