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Tooth Loss in Adults (Age 20 to 64)

Overall, the prevalence of both partial and total tooth loss in adults has decreased from the early 1970s until the latest (1999-2004) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. In spite of this improvement, significant disparities remain in some population groups.

Tables 1 and 2 present information about tooth loss for adults age 20 to 64 years and for selected population groups.

Number of Teeth Remaining (Table 1)

  • Adults age 20 to 64 have an average of 24.92 remaining teeth.
  • Older adults, Black adults, current smokers, and those with lower incomes and less education have fewer remaining teeth.

Number of Adults with Total Tooth Loss (Table 2)

  • 3.75% of adults 20 to 64 have no remaining teeth
  • Older adults, Black and Hispanic adults, current smokers, and those with lower incomes and less education are more likely to have no remaining teeth.

Table 1: Adults, Mean Number of Permanent Teeth Remaining

Mean number of permanent teeth among adults age 20 to 64 years of age, by selected characteristics:
United States, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999–2004

CharacteristicMean Number of Permanent Teeth
20 to 34 years26.90
35 to 49 years25.05
50 to 64 years22.30
Race and Ethnicity
White, non-Hispanic25.23
Black, non-Hispanic23.68
Mexican American25.32
Poverty Status (Income compared to Federal Poverty Level)
Less than 100%23.52
100% to 199%23.64
Greater than 200%25.48
Less than High School23.10
High School24.35
More than High School25.76
Smoking History
Current Smoker23.47
Former Smoker25.12
Never Smoked25.67

Data Source: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) has been an important source of information on oral health and dental care in the United States since the early 1970s. Tables 1 through 4 present the latest NHANES (collected between 1999 and 2004) data regarding tooth loss in adults.

Table 2: Adults, Number with No Remaining Teeth

Mean number of permanent teeth among adults age 20 to 64 years of age, by selected characteristics:
United States, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999–2004

CharacteristicPercentage with no Remaining Teeth
20 to 34 years(not enough data)
35 to 49 years2.63
50 to 64 years10.13
Race and Ethnicity
White, non-Hispanic3.96
Black, non-Hispanic4.14
Mexican American1.51
Poverty Status (Income compared to Federal Poverty Level)
Less than 100%9.28
100% to 199%6.48
Greater than 200%2.35
Less than High School8.07
High School5.41
More than High School1.66
Smoking History
Current Smoker7.79
Former Smoker3.57
Never Smoked1.55

Data Source: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) has been an important source of information on oral health and dental care in the United States since the early 1970s. Tables 1 through 4 present the latest NHANES (collected between 1999 and 2004) data regarding tooth loss in adults.

This page last updated: March 23, 2009