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Searched for neurofibromatosis.

6 results found in Genes.

  1. NF1: neurofibromin 1 (neurofibromatosis, von Recklinghausen disease, Watson disease)
    Gene summary
    Found: More than 1,000 NF1 mutations that cause neurofibromatosis type 1 have been identified. Most of these...
  2. NF2: neurofibromin 2 (merlin)
    Gene summary
    Found: ...have been identified in people with neurofibromatosis type 2. These mutations are often inherited...
  3. MLH1: mutL homolog 1, colon cancer, nonpolyposis type 2 (E. coli)
    Gene summary
    Found: ...characteristic of a condition known as neurofibromatosis. The onset of colon cancer in these individuals...
  4. MSH2: mutS homolog 2, colon cancer, nonpolyposis type 1 (E. coli)
    Gene summary
    Found: ...characteristic of a condition known as neurofibromatosis. The onset of colon cancer in these individuals...
  5. PMS2: PMS2 postmeiotic segregation increased 2 (S. cerevisiae)
    Gene summary
    Found: ...characteristic of a condition known as neurofibromatosis. The onset of colon cancer in these individuals...
  6. MSH6: mutS homolog 6 (E. coli)
    Gene summary
    Found: ...characteristic of a condition known as neurofibromatosis. The onset of colon cancer in these individuals...
Published: January 23, 2009