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The Great Wood Stove Change-Out

Picture of old, inefficient stove spewing smoke.

The GSC (Great Stove Change-Out) is a public-private partnership
initiated by Hearth Products and was started in Oregon and Washington State.

This wood stove "trade-in sale" gets cleaner and more fuel efficient stoves into homes fast.


  • Wood stove industry
  • State or local air district officials
  • Energy conservation offices or local gas utility


  • Willingness to surrender old stove for new one
  • Willingness by industry and air officials to encourage change-outs
  • Willingness to track (including the destruction of old stoves)


  • Publicity - to raise the level of awareness
  • Teamwork - especially between air officials and industry


A good goal for year one: change-out of 15 percent of existing dirty stoves.


  1. Start with a kick-off press conference co-hosted by the air district
    and the wood stove industry. Hold event in a working junkyard (or metal recycling facility) with an old stove being demolished. The press eats this up!
  2. The program "cooks" for 6 to 10 weeks with story placements and intermittent press events throughout this period. Best done in the January - February time frame rather than fall - when people are replacing stoves anyway.
  3. Give an award to the dealer who removes the most particulates as a final press hit.

Hints from the Chef:

  • The consumers receive a discount on their new stove, but only if they surrender their old stove, which must then be destroyed.
  • Use a "tracking form" that records the family's name, address, and telephone number, as well as the type of stoves that went in and came out of the house.
  • Signatures on a form for the dealer and the junkyard person provide tracking right to the end.
  • The air quality district can do an audit if desired.
  • Industry officials can do an emission inventory impact analysis based on the mix of the replacements.

The Great Stove Change-Out Case Study

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