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Questions and Answers about EPA-Certified Wood Stoves

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Why purchase an EPA-certified wood stove?
How do I identify an EPA-certified wood stove?
What does a permanent label look like?
What does a temporary label look like?
What types of EPA-certified wood stoves are available for sale?

Why purchase an EPA-certified wood stove?

EPA-certified wood stoves are 80% cleaner burning and 30% more efficient than a typical uncertified wood stove. In some states and jurisdictions, it is illegal to offer for sale, purchase, operate or sell a house containing a wood stove not certified by the EPA Wood Heater Program.

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How do I identify an EPA-certified wood stove?

EPA-certified wood stoves can be identified by:

What does a permanent label look like?

The permanent label is typically located on the front, back or side of a wood stove. The label should specify that the wood stove meets the EPA particulate emissions limit.

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What does a temporary label look like?

A temporary label is typically made of cardboard and is attached to the front of the wood stove. The purpose of the temporary label is to provide consumers with information regarding the emission rate and efficiency rating. The temporary label may be discarded after the wood stove is purchased. Retail outlets are required to display temporary labels on new wood stoves but not for used wood stoves.

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What types of EPA-certified wood stoves are available for sale?

There are three basic types of wood stoves that have received certifications under the wood heater program.

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