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Environmental Cooking 101

Common Ingredients:
While many of the recipes in this cookbook are different, there are a number of ingredients common to all. These ingredients and utensils are essential to good results:

Trying a Demonstration Project

Do you like to experiment? Make up your own recipes!
This shows you how it's done. Start with an idea... Ask yourself these questions:

Keep these tips in mind:

Write a concept paper

Try to explain how your idea will work in less than two pages. Then, send it to a group of industry representatives, plan a meeting to discuss how the idea might help them and ask for a budget and staffing plan. If you got this far, your idea is a good one. Now, prepare a program plan.

Ask these questions:

Once your plan is ready, just follow your own instructions. It's easy!

Some tips for success:

Once you've finished, evaluate your results honestly. If it works, congratulations! You found a new way to clean the air.

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