[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 44, Volume 1]
[Revised as of October 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 44CFR60.23]

[Page 248-249]
 Subpart C_Additional Considerations in Managing Flood-Prone, Mudslide 
       (i.e., Mudflow)-Prone and Flood-Related Erosion-Prone Areas
Sec.  60.23  Planning considerations for mudslide (i.e., mudflow)-prone areas.

    The planning process for communities identified under part 65 of 
this subchapter as containing Zone M, or which indicate in their 
applications for flood insurance pursuant to Sec.  59.22 of this 
subchapter that they have mudslide (i.e., mudflow) areas, should 
    (a) The existence and extent of the hazard;
    (b) The potential effects of inappropriate hillside development, 
    (1) Loss of life and personal injuries, and
    (2) Public and private property losses, costs, liabilities, and 
exposures resulting from potential mudslide (i.e., mudflow) hazards;
    (c) The means of avoiding the hazard including the (1) availability 
of land which is not mudslide (i.e., mudflow)-prone and the feasibility 
of developing such land instead of further encroaching upon mudslide 
(i.e., mudflow) areas, (2) possibility of public acquisition of land, 
easements, and development rights to assure the proper development of 
hillsides, and (3) advisability of preserving mudslide (i.e., mudflow) 
areas as open space;
    (d) The means of adjusting to the hazard, including the (1) 
establishment by ordinance of site exploration, investigation, design, 
grading, construction, filing, compacting, foundation, sewerage, 
drainage, subdrainage, planting, inspection and maintenance standards 
and requirements that promote proper land use, and (2) provision for 
proper drainage and subdrainage on public property and the location of 
public utilities and service facilities, such as sewer, water, gas and 
electrical systems and streets in a manner designed to minimize exposure 
to mudslide (i.e., mudflow) hazards and prevent their aggravation;
    (e) Coordination of land use, sewer, and drainage regulations and 
ordinances with fire prevention, flood plain, mudslide (i.e., mudflow), 
soil, land, and water regulation in neighboring communities;
    (f) Planning subdivisions and other developments in such a manner as 
to avoid exposure to mudslide (i.e., mudflow) hazards and the control of 
public facility and utility extension to discourage inappropriate 
    (g) Public facility location and design requirements with higher 
site stability and access standards for schools, hospitals, nursing 
homes, orphanages, correctional and other residential institutions, fire 
and police stations, communication centers, electric power transformers 
and substations, water and sewer pumping stations and any other public 
or quasi-public institutions located in the mudslide (i.e., mudflow) 
area to enable them to withstand mudslide (i.e., mudflow) damage

[[Page 249]]

and to facilitate emergency operations; and
    (h) Provision for emergencies, including:
    (1) Warning, evacuation, abatement, and access procedures in the 
event of mudslide (i.e., mudflow),
    (2) Enactment of public measures and initiation of private 
procedures to limit danger and damage from continued or future mudslides 
(i.e., mudflow),
    (3) Fire prevention procedures in the event of the rupture of gas or 
electrical distribution systems by mudslides,
    (4) Provisions to avoid contamination of water conduits or 
deterioration of slope stability by the rupture of such systems,
    (5) Similar provisions for sewers which in the event of rupture pose 
both health and site stability hazards and
    (6) Provisions for alternative vehicular access and escape routes 
when normal routes are blocked or destroyed by mudslides (i.e., 
    (i) The means for assuring consistency between state, areawide, and 
local comprehensive plans with the plans developed for mudslide (i.e., 
mudflow)-prone areas;
    (j) Deterring the nonessential installation of public utilities and 
public facilities in mudslide (i.e., mudflow)-prone areas.