NOAA Fisheries Feature

Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Reauthorized

MSRA Reauthorization Details
Annual Catch Limits
Marine Recreational Information Program
National Environmental Policy Act
Limited Access Privilege Programs
International Provisions
Other Provisions

Implementing the Magnuson-Stevens Act

Efforts are currently underway to implement the Magnuson-Stevens Reauthorization Act of 2006, which was signed by President Bush in January 2007. The agency's implementation priorities are based on Congressionally-mandated deadlines. The Act contains mandates with both regional and national implications. Click on each activity below to learn more about the issue, implementation progress, final actions, and opportunities to become involved.

National Priorities

• NMFS announces a public workshop to hold a detailed discussion of the proposed new environmental review procedures for fishery management actions.  The workshop will be held on Tuesday July 29, 2008, at 8:30 a.m. in the Potomac Room at the Silver Spring Crowne Plaza Hotel, 8777 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910.  The Hotel is a short walk from the Silver Spring Metro station and there is public parking nearby.  For further information please contact Steve Leathery at 301-713-2239 or via email at

•  Summary of proposed rule to streamline the NEPA process

NMFS announces three public meetings to solicit comments on the proposed rule that would revise and update the NMFS procedures for complying with the National Environmental Policy Act (PDF)

•  NMFS Releases Report on Excess Harvesting Capacity in U.S. Fisheries (PDF)

•  Appendix C of Report (PDF)

•  NMFS Releases the Proposed Rule for New Environmental Review Procedures (PDF)

•  Public Comments on Environmental Review Procedures

•  Guidance for Limited Access Privilege Progams

•  Report to Congress on the Hurricane Impacts on Habitat (PDF - 13MB | 43MB)

•  Errata (8-7-07) (PDF)

•  Report to Congress on the Hurricane Impacts on Fisheries (PDF)

•  Council Training Syllabus (PDF)

•  NMFS Request for Comments on Environmental Review Procedures (PDF)

•  Draft Council Proposal for NEPA/MSA Compliance (PDF)

•  Annual Catch Limits

•  Definition of Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) Fishing (PDF)

•  Notice re: Bycatch and Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing on the High Seas (PDF)

•  Comments Received at Public Meetings (PDF)

•  Public Comments Received Electronically (PDF)

Regional Activities

•  Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Report on Council Management Coordination (PDF)

•  Klamath River Coho Salmon Recovery Plan (PDF)

•  New England Groundfish: Report to Congress (PDF)

•  Analysis of State Fisheries in the Northeast (Section 110) (PDF)

•  Analysis of State Fisheries in the Pacific Islands (Section 110) (PDF)

Questions? E-mail us at or call (301) 713-2341.

For more information about fisheries management, visit NOAA Fisheries' Office of Sustainable Fisheries.


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