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Land Revitalization LogoThe days of erecting chain link fences around a property and posting "Keep Out" signs are over. Cleaning up previously contaminated properties for reuse can help reinvigorate communities, preserve green space, and prevent sprawl. Revitalized land can be used in many ways—from the creation of public parks and the restoration of ecological systems, to the construction of community development projects and the establishment of new businesses. Land that has been previously contaminated and has been remediated may fall under one or more types of federal or state regulations or programs. Learn more about each program and the potential sites available for reuse by clicking on the links below.

Brownfields are properties where there is interest in development or reuse but may be complicated by the presence of contamination. EPA provides grants and technical resources to help develop the sites.

Federal Facilities are properties used by United States and federal agencies that may require cleanup.

RCRA sites are active facilities with possible hazardous releases that require the investigation and cleanup of the contamination.

CERCLA or Superfund sites are uncontrolled or abandoned sites where hazardous waste or other contamination threatens the public health or the environment. The Region has developed an informational tool to assist the public in identifying property within Region 3 that is subject to a Superfund Lien.

Underground Storage Tanks are sites contaminated by petroleum products or other hazardous substances that have been released from underground storage tanks.

State Sites are contaminated sites not addressed by EPA through its regulatory authorities under CERCLA and RCRA, but are instead managed by States. Region 3 States include Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.

RCRA sites Federal Facilitity Sites Superfund sites Underground Storage Tank Sites State Sites

EPA Region 3 hopes to promote land revitalization by:

  1. Integrating site reuse with cleanups to the extent practical.
  2. Developing partnerships to facilitate reuse. Region 3's Land Revitalization Action Team is ready to assist buyers and developers in understanding EPA's role in the cleanup of a site and any financial or environmental obligations that remain on the property.
  3. Encouraging reuse which incorporates sustainable development, green design and ecological enhancements.
  4. Measuring the economic and environmental benefits from the reuse of cleaned up sites. Two Region 3 reports evaluate how land is currently being used at sites within the Region that have been remediated through EPA programs.

Find out about Land Revitalization Success Stories and other properties that may be ready for reuse within Region 3 by following the links or checking out EPA Region 3's Land Revitalization Newsletter. You can subscribe to the newsletter by sending an email to Ruth Wuenschel (wuenschel.ruth@epa.gov).


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