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Your Guide to Lowering Blood Pressure NHLBI Logo

High Blood
Pressure Topics:


Maria's Lifestyle Choices

  Maria Carrillo
Picture of Maria

About Maria

Meet Maria
Maria's Lifestyle Choices
Maria In Control
Blood Pressure:
 160/100 mmHg

Maria & Hectór's Tips
On Physical Activity

Excuse #1: "We don't like to exercise."

The doctor's good news:

Being physically active doesn't have to mean sweating, or puffing or panting. You can get plenty of gain without the pain. Activities you already do, such as gardening and walking, can improve your heart health. All you need are 30 minutes on most, and preferably all, days of the week. And you can divide it up — as long as you do at least 10 minutes at any one time.

Excuse #2: "We don't have the energy to be more active."

The doctor says:

It may seem hard when you first start if you haven't been active. But gradually do more. You'll find it gets easier and you'll begin to have more energy.

Excuse #3: "It's hard to remember to exercise."

The doctor's reminder:

Give yourselves reminders. Leave your sneakers near the door so you'll remember to take that walk, or put a reminder note on your calendar at home or work. Try to develop the habit of being physically active. Make it part of your daily routine.

 More physical activity tips (This link opens a second browser window. Simply close that window to return to this page.)

About Maria

Meet Maria Maria's Lifestyle Choices Maria In Control

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