JO 7400.2G
Effective Date:
April 10, 2008
Subject:  Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters
Part 5. Special Use Airspace

Chapter 21. General


Section 1. Policy

21-1-1.  Purpose

21-1-10.  Controlling Agency

21-1-2.  Scope

21-1-11.  Using Agency

21-1-3.  Definition and Types

21-1-12.  Waivers

21-1-4.  Categories

21-1-13.  Public Notice Procedures

21-1-5.  SUA Approval Authority

21-1-14.  SUA Nonrulemaking Circulars

21-1-6.  Minimum Numbers and Volume

21-1-15.  Charting and Publication Requirements

21-1-7.  Optimum Use of Airspace

21-1-16.  Certification of SUA Geographic Positional Data

21-1-8.  Joint-Use Policy

21-1-17.  Lead Region

21-1-9.  Environmental Analysis

Section 2. SUA Legal Descriptions


21-2-1.  General

21-2-5.  Controlling Agency

21-2-2.  Lateral Boundaries

21-2-6.  Using Agency

21-2-3.  Vertical Limits

21-2-7.  SUA Legal Description Amendments

21-2-4.  Times of Use

Section 3. SUA Proposals


21-3-1.  General

21-3-3.  Proposal Content

21-3-2.  Classified Information

21-3-4.  Abbreviated Proposals

Section 4. Coordination of Proposals

21-4-1.  Policy

21-4-3.  ATC Facility Coordination

21-4-2.  Proposal Pre-Coordination

21-4-4.  Submission of Proposals

Section 5. Regional/Service Area Office Actions

21-5-1.  General

21-5-6.  Disapproval of Proposals

21-5-2.  Regional/Service Area Office  Processing Requirements

21-5-7.  Submission of Approval Recommendations to FAA Headquarters

21-5-3.  Aeronautical Impact Consideration

21-5-8.  Handling of Proposals To Reduce or Revoke SUA

21-5-4.  Environmental Document Review

21-5-9.  FAA Initiated SUA Proposals

21-5-5.  Regional/Service Area Office  Determination

Section 6. Aeronautical Study

21-6-1.  Purpose

21-6-3.  Content of Study

21-6-2.  Policy

Section 7. Restricted Area and MOA

Annual Utilization Reports


21-7-1.  Purpose

21-7-4.  Utilization Report Terms

21-7-2.  Reporting Requirements

21-7-5.  Review Requirement

21-7-3.  Supplementary Reports

21-7-6.  Review Summary

Section 8. SUA Review and Analysis


21-8-1.  General

21-8-4.  Utilization Standards

21-8-2.  Policy

21-8-5.  SUA Review Guide

21-8-3.  Sources of Information

21-8-6.  SUA Review Follow Up Action

Section 9. SUA Review Teams


21-9-1.  Purpose

21-9-4.  Team Report

21-9-2.  Team Composition

21-9-5.  Follow Up Action

21-9-3.  Responsibilities

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