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Air Quality, Toxics, Acid Rain and NOx

Mid-Atlantic Air Quality

Information on air quality, health effects, data, Region 3 areas not attaining clean air standards, ozone action programs, and more.

Information is also available on the following air quality topics:

Air Quality Conformity

Under the separate general and transportation conformity rules, federal agencies must work with State, Tribal and local governments in nonattainment and maintenance areas to ensure that federal actions, including highway and transit projects, conform to the initiatives established in the applicable state or tribal implementation plan.

Toxic Air Pollutants

Overview, emissions data, and more.

Acid Rain

Overview, emissions data, results, and program contacts.

NOx (Nitrogen Oxides)

Regional NOx Strategy for the Eastern United States.

Interstate Air Pollution

The Clean Air Interstate Rule.

Regional Haze and Visibility

Air Pollution Monitors in the Mid-Atlantic Region

An interactive map of air pollution monitors in DE, DC, MD, PA, VA & WV.



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