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January/February 2005


Border Planning for the 21st Century
by Jill L. Hochman
Multiagency partnerships, innovative strategies, and new technologies are improving the safety, efficiency, and security of overland ports of entry.

Recycled Roadways
by Jason Harrington
FHWA and the agency’s partners are engineering high-quality pavements using reclaimed materials.

Improving Signalized Intersections
by Joe G. Bared
FHWA’s new guide will help State and local agencies plan, design, and install appropriate facilities to improve safety and traffic operations for all users.

RUMS—Right-of-Way Tracking
by Sande Snead
Software from Virginia helps manage this complicated process from start to finish and provides real-time customer service.

Pushing the Boundaries
by Samuel S. Tyson and David K. Merritt
Synthetic binders could help designers create more aesthetically pleasing roadways.

Keeping Traffic on the Right Side of the Road
by Gary Stasburg and Lisa Crist Crawley
North Carolina saved lives by installing cable barriers on freeways where the median width is less than 21 meters (70 feet).

Evaluating the Field Performance of Asphalt Mixtures In the Lab
by Leslie Ann Myers and John D'Angelo
FHWA is assessing the Simple Performance Tester to determine its effectiveness for use in the field.

Signs Show the Way to Cost-Effective Rural Safety
by Gib Peaslee
A county in California recently showcased a low-cost and successful program for saving lives on secondary roads.

January/February 2005 · Vol. 68 · No. 4


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